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Top 10 Putnam County Incidents 2008

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Incidents were selected by moderators based on, with no factor holding any more weight than another, size and scope of incident, response to incident, loss of life, effect on response, training and operating policy. Rank of incidents was determined by Truck4 and selected, objective, Putnam County members.

10) Putnam Lake- September 7, 2008 An overloaded power strip caused a fire that heavily damaged a home on Kendall Drive near the north end of Putnam Lake.

9) Brewster- June 30th, 2008 Seven departments responded to a fire in a large 2-story home on Segar Lane in Southeast.

8) Lake Carmel- November 7th, 2008 A retired FDNY firefighter rescues a resident of a burning home during a late-night fire Ashburton Ave.

7) Philipstown- February 4th, 2008 An early morning house fire injured two and displaced seven on Route 9.

6) Mahopac Falls- May 6th, 2008 A late-night fire destroys a home on Orchard Road. The residents were alerted by neighbors just before the home became fully-involved in fire.

5) Putnam Valley- October 24th, 2008 Six departments responded to a fire that gutted ‘Top Knotch Automotive” on Secor road, which also destroying several vehicles inside.

4) Patterson- March 16th, 2008 A house fire and explosion on Big Elm Road seriously injured two civilians with four other departments responding to assist Patterson.

3) Mahopac Falls- December 8th, 2008 Six departments battled freezing temps as a fire destroyed a large home off of Austin Road;News_ID=294

2) Garrison- July 28th, 2008 A boating accident on the Hudson River shoreline killed one and injured four. Numerous units from four counties responded and performed search and rescue operations.

1) Lake Carmel- May 24th, 2008 Fire destroyed the Towne and Country Liqours on Towners Road after the owner was found in the parking lot with his hands tied, telling a story of a robbery and arson.

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