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FDNY Close Up: New Official Video Highlighting "Engine Company" Operations

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Very cool video - what else would you expect from NYC :)

Ironic they talk about being part of the family given the current lack of intake ....

Actually, I thought one of the most interesting pieces was the back drop at the end. That looks like one cool dispatch center.

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Yeah, the billion dollar boondoggle that is the FDOC looks great. Not actually a dispatch center, as Fire dispatchers are stuck using antiquated equipment in old facilities and EMS is sequestered away in 11 metrotech running old computers in a cramped office. If you watch the EMS video when Magoo is giving his little speech they're watching TV on the screen behind him. After spending billions on their operations center and their unified dispatch so far it is used to stream video and track MOS injuries. Meanwhile we're all using antiquated dispatch software the inhibits communication and prevents the closest and correct unit from always being assigned to jobs.

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Very true. The dispatch system is very bad. Last summer at my firehouse there was a fire going on one block behind us. We didnt hear a thing until they finally sent us a ticket and by then we were the 3rd due engine and 2nd due truck, when we were supposed to be 1st. Oh and the companies that go in 1st due, their house is 30 blocks south of us! Lucky someone didnt get killed b/c of the dispatchers mess up.

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In the whole mess that is NYC, the one group I really can't fault is the fire dispatchers. I'm sure there are exceptions, but as a rule they have their poop together. I'm sure if it was looked into further you would find there was something outside the dispatcher's control that had the assignments so screwed on that job. I've spent a lot of time chasing jobs on the spaghetti pile that is 95, the Hutch, and Bruckner interchange and when in doubt I just followed FD since you guys usually had better info. Sadly the greatest problem is GIGO, and until they install truly integrated software no one will know what the other is doing if we're in the same room or across the city. PD still has first crack at all jobs, fire and ems have to e-mail each other, and no one can see what other has until its sent over. We're one of 2 cities attacked by foreign terrorists, and we still haven't addressed the greatest weaknesses found in every drill and every after incident report. Communication!!

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