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Greenville FD (Greenburgh, NY) Seeks Antenna Pole At Firehouse

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From the Greenburgh Town Email List:

Representatives of the Greenville Fire Department (located in Edgemont) appeared before the Greenburgh Town Board at our Tuesday work session. They are planning to seek permission (and a possible zoning change or variance) so they can place an antenna pole at the fire house. The pole will be used for enhanced communications at the fire house. In addition, the fire house will take advantage of the antenna pole and will rent the pole to to phone companies -to enhance service to Edgemont residents.

Everytime I drive on Ardsley Road my NEXTEL cell phone stops working. It's frustrating. Cell phone service in Edgemont is horrible.

Everytime a proposal is initiated to place a cell tower in a neighborhood there is opposition. Federal laws limit the ability of governments to say no to cell towers.

The benefit of this proposal -which is in its early stage- is that the rent and revenues will go to the fire district, not a landlord. If we have to have cell towers somewhere doesn't it make sense for local governments to get some revenue from it? The fire dept will reach out to the immediate neighborhood to seek their comments before finalizing a proposal to the Town Board. Our work session can be watched on the web--work sessions are streamed and archived:


Greenburgh Town Supervisor

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The rental fees are BIG BUCKS! Some houses around here make a nice penny off the cell companies.

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Verizon put up a cell tower at our station, replaced our 50's vintage gad generator with an LPG one and pays us $15K a year!

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Verizon put up a cell tower at our station, replaced our 50's vintage gad generator with an LPG one and pays us $15K a year!

Do they pay you for the exposure to the RF generated by the transmitters?

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They'd get the same rf exposure if it were across town and they'd be - 1 generator and 15k a year. I don't think thats a great trade off.

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Do they pay you for the exposure to the RF generated by the transmitters?

Any science to back that up?

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That says there is no danger from base stations, and rightly so. If RF exposure is what people are worried about, they best wrap themselves in tin foil and never go outside, ever. If it was as harmful as some say then we would all be walking tumors given the amount of radiation we soak up every day between computers, microwaves and just being outside.

Smart move by the FD though, they should make some serious cash money off it.

Edited by Goose

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Agreed, this is just the facts....this is the most important paragraph in the entire document.

"In fact, due to their lower frequency, at similar RF exposure levels, the body absorbs up to five times more of the signal from FM radio and television than from base stations. This is because the frequencies used in FM radio (around 100 MHz) and in TV broadcasting (around 300 to 400 MHz) are lower than those employed in mobile telephony (900 MHz and 1800 MHz) and because a person's height makes the body an efficient receiving antenna. Further, radio and television broadcast stations have been in operation for the past 50 or more years without any adverse health consequence being established."

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Put an antenna in a valley and not on a ridge ? Hhhhmmmmmm !

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