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EMTBravo Member(s) Of The Week 1-31-09: firecapt32, johnvv, demps121, alsfirefighter, FFDPG, chiefhac

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EMTBravo Member's Of The Week Ending January 31st, 2009 are:

firecapt32, johnvv, demps121, alsfirefighter, FFDPG, chiefhac


This week, I decided to pull executive privilege and select the member, or member(s) of the weeks myself without staff input.

Two years ago last Tuesday, an injury at work put an end to my firefighting career, with less then 3 years on the job. (I had served 10 years previous as a volunteer firefighter within another department, as well as a Career Paramedic and a a Fire/EMS Dispatcher, since I started as an explorer at 14 in 1993). Becoming a career firefighter was always my dream and goal in life, and I loved my job, and the department I worked for. I was, and am still, devastated.

Thinking about the accident, I thought back to those who made me a true professional firefighter in Fall of 2005. The members above are truly brothers, and Westchester is/was blessed to have them serve. They taught me not only how to be a firefighter, but they taught me many other lessons that I still carry with me to this day. Every time I see geese flying in formation, I remember that wonderful story, along with countless other things that they did that had a tremndous impact on me. Things I never thought I could do I did. They are one of the many inspirations to keep this site going, and to keep making it better. They inspire me to keep learning, to keep achieving. They inspire me to never give up in my career paths wherever it may take me from here.

chiefhac is in there because he's the guy who really got me to where I am today, by deciding to take a chance on an Empress EMT and making me 60 Control Dispatcher- 635. Because of that job, I've ammased so many good friends who I'm proud to still have as friends to this day.

These members have huge hearts and for their role in helping me to keep focused and keep this site going, I'm awarding them the first ever "Co-Members Of The Week".

I will forever thank you guys.

-Seth G.

An Member Of The Weel is chosen by the staff each week, and announced every weekend at the end of the week. Members are chosen based on their contributions to making this forum an informative and pleasant community to visit.

Factors for Member Of The Week nomination include but are not limited to:

-Regular, high quality informative posts

-Detailed Incident Alerts

-Photo sets

-Member behavior and attitude

-Member interaction with other members

-Members willingness to help

Members Of The Week are nominated and chosen internally by staff team, so please DO NOT contact the staff with any nominations or suggestions. Staff Members ARE NOT eligible for this program.

Members can recieve the "Member Of The Week" award up to three (3) times a year maximum.

If you wish to opt-out of this program, please notify an EMTBravo staff member ASAP.

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looks like a sound choice Seth, congrats !!!!!

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Congrats to all!

Demps121 and firecapt32 helped shaped who I am in FF1, thank you very much.

Alsfirefighter taught my survival class, thank you very much.

Keep up the great work, I appreciate everything that you have to offer.

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Congrats Guys!!!!

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Congrats guys.

Thank you for your input and passing on your experiences so others can learn and serve their communities better. Keep up the good work.


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Good choice. I worked with these guys at the fire training center and know first hand thier professionalism and deidcation to training. Thanks to Chiefhac for hiring me.

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Thanks Seth and the EMTBRAVO crew.

What a cast of fire personel that is assembled there. I dont see JohnnVV, he has moved and is working in the south, but we do see his posts still on here , saw Chiefhac at the probie graduation on Friday and continue to get his Emails every day. FFDPG has retired and taken a job in safty with New York Trains and buses.

That leaves demps121 and Alsfirefighter--there isnt a week that goes by that we dont chat about somthing concerning the fire service. I am glad to call all of them my friends and fellow Fire Instructors. All the fire instructors work to help make your job safer, to bring down the line of duty deaths, to bring you the latest updates so that you can be ahead of the fire curve--thats where good firefighters and Officers are supposed to be. I am just glad to be among them.

Seth ---the goose story continues on with every Fire Officers class that I do. Team work, brother hood and sacriface, we can learn a lot form the birds--just dont stept inthe remains ;):)

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Thanks for the kind thoughts and words.

firecapt32 it is always good to see you and the many other fire service friends in attendance at the probie commnencement program. A welcoming show of support as another class begins its' journey.

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I know ChiefHac, Fire Capt and alsfirefighter and I have the utmost respect for all 3 of them, they are truly assets to the Fire Service. Congratulations gentlemen.

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Every once in a lifetime you meet people that inspire you more than anyone else. FFDPG is one of them. If he does not have a positive affect on you, well you probably need to have your head checked. We have been partners since he left FFD and contrary to some of the other posts, far from retired. FFDPG and I have done many, many, fires together and stay very busy. The City never stops, nor does the fires, nor does FFDPG, the BEAT goes on brothers, the BEAT goes on.

Anthony Tester

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