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US Airways jet may spend time in Sleepy Hollow

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Definetly a spacious and convient enough place to dismantle this jet and ship away the parts. Also, a great photo op!

Jet may spend time in Sleepy Hollow

By Ken Valenti

The Journal News • January 31, 2009

The U.S. Airways jet that splash-landed in the Hudson River off Manhattan may spend a few months by the river in Sleepy Hollow at the former General Motors plant, according to Mayor Phil Zegarelli.

Responding to a question from The Journal News, Zegarelli confirmed that someone speaking for U.S. Airways had contacted the village about possibly shipping the Airbus A320 to the massive, flat property to store it temporarily.


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There is lots of room there--- they can spread that plane over 92 acres--cause they arent building there any time soon.

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