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Trenton, NJ Fire Apparatus Accident kills three year old, Injuries several FF'ers: 1/30/09

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A three-year-old girl was tragically killed this evening (Friday evening) after an crash involving fire apparatus in Trenton, New Jersey. Conflicting reports indicate the apparatus reportedly struck a pickup truck which then hit a light pole that fell on and killed the child. Another report states that the apparatus apparently "t-boned" the pickup truck at the intersection, and the pickup truck then careened onto the center median, striking the child. The fire apparatus then hit a light pole, knocking it down and injuring several other pedestrians. All reports however, confirm the tragic loss of the child. Several firefighters and others were injured but all are non life threatening. Additional details will follow. Here is a link to local media video:

posted from the secretlist from and video is from NBC in Philly.

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