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Any future link towers for Westchester?

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Does anyone know if there are any future UHF link towers to 46.26 being planned ,,, other than Braircliff Manor FDs?

Just asking if some areas could use better UHF link coverage.

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I sure hope not!!!

The current UHF-Low Band cross-band repeaters are killing 46.26 even more than the already crowded airwaves that we have been dealing with for several years.

Not mentioning any departments- but a No. West FD, recently went to a UHF-Low Band cross-band repeater, now you can hear there 54,000 calls in Florida!!!!!

Living in a neighboring town, it's not right that I can't even hear my own dispatch, when the _ _ FD decides to talk when we are dispatching an alarm. That FD seems to think they are the only ones on the radio!

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RES20CUE - You are right! That's why we're also setting up our own ops channel that will take the bulk of our radio traffic. We'll be dispatched on 46.26 and our apparatus will call 10-17 there and then switch to our ops channel. No comms other than dispatch, responding, and returning will go out over 46.26, with the exception of communication to 60 Control for mutual aid and the like.

While we want to share, we don't really think you're interested in hearing that a compartment door is open, or that the engine should pull in front of such and such as if we had responded to the front of your house. You will, however, be able to tune to us on our ops channel.

I hope, but don't expect, other departments follow suit.

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Absolutely, we do the same. We utilize both the county fireground channels and our own district-wide.

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Doug E. I know Millwood FD is awaiting the arrival of your (OUR) new ops channel. We can keep in constant communication as you come fill up on our air..

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and we'll be able to place orders from Rocky's on the fly... =D>

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IMO with the new trunked UHF radio system coming online, it is a waste of $ to invest in any more low band radio equipment. The trunked system is actually a sophisticated repeater system. When you are in range of one of the seven towers (according to the RFP), you will be able to talk throughout the network wherever there is a radio assigned to your talkgroup. As an example Department "A" has unit in Croton and another unit in Rye. The unit in Croton would transmit to the Ossining tower and the network would retransmit the signal both through the Ossining tower and the Port Chester tower. If Department "A" only has units near the Ossining tower, only this tower would transmit signals back to this talkgroup thus cutting down on alot of radio congestion that is not neccessary where it is not needed. This is accomplished by the towers tracking the location of all radios that are turned on, similar to cellphone operation. Low band radio will still be used, but only for dispatch purposes. As soon as an apparatus starts responding it will be using the trunked system, not 46.26.

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Bearcat 246T portable, 898T base are in the $225 range.

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How long have we been waiting for this system to be finaliized? Do what you have to do to keep your members safe, never rely on the county.

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