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Flashing Blue Road Rage

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when lights are outlawed only outlaws will have lights... sorry, couldn't resist.

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I don't think the color of the lights matters one bit. As a matter of fact, many states in the area are blurring those lines because of the performance of the lights.

When I was growing up in CT, Blue was reserved for two uses, Volunteer Firefighters and State Police. Red was reserved for Fire Apparatus, Ambulances, and Local Police. Green is used so rarely in my area, that I never saw one growing up, except for a local pharmacy that used it on a prescription delivery car, which I have no idea if it was legal or not at the time.

As we learned about different colors being seen at different distances, and a combination of colors being more visible than single colors, we started to see red & blue used together a great deal. At some point the law changed for all police vehicles, I think. Didn't NY just allow a rear facing blue on police cars? I know Massachusetts changed to allow a rear facing red on police cars a few years ago.

I think the minute we start saying that different colors mean different things, we will be giving the general public the idea that one service is more important than the other. Imagine a driver who sees a certain color combination behind him and does not pull over because it is only a Firefighter and they can't write him a ticket. I know we are kind of at this point already, but there is enough crossover that people generally pull over for warning lights of any kind.

As I said before, lets punish the people that break the law, and not those that do not.

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OK, let's hear the case for the "courtesy" light...

There is no case foe courtesy lights. They are useless.

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