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I apologize if this is the wrong area for this post, but what exactly does Box mean in FDNY?, are they referring to box alarms that used to be found on street corners? Sorry if this appears to be a stupid question.

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Read through some of the Sticky's/Pinned items in different forums as a first resort. 9 times out of 10 the answer you are looking for is already posted.

The following is taken from the below listed post:


Approximately 60 seconds after a box is transmitted the radio dispatcher announces the box. A typical transmission is formatted thus: borough, source of the alarm, box number, address, what the caller is reporting. The different types of sources are: telephone (Via 911, direct dial, operator assist, TDD, etc.), ERS (street box that allows voice contact), pullbox (mechanical street box sometimes simply called "box"), DR (discretionary response) box (Mechanical street box with a high false alarm rate. The battalion chief may respond at his discretion.), verbal (reported to us by a member of the department), class-3 (alarms from central station monitoring companies), and EMS or EMS-PD (CFR runs that are received by direct computer link).

Addresses in the borough of Queens are mostly numeric and the untrained ear may not be able to decipher the announcement. For example, the address 158-24 81 Street between 158 & 159 Avenues when spoken quickly may sound like just a string of numbers.

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