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Isn't it obvious - it's just not working!

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Government as we know it is failing. Not one government entity can operate within its budget, the deficits are staggering, cutbacks and layoffs are becoming the order of the day, and all are looking to the taxpayer to shoulder the expense.

Businesses fail and they go out of business but the government just rolls along. Why are their any career politicians still in office? Why haven't they all been fired like the coaches/managers of all NY sports teams that haven't won a championship this year.

Fail = Fired / Voted out of Office

Are we holding the elected officials responsibile for their fiscal irresponsibility or are we just going to blindly re-elect them again this November?

What can we do to fix this problem - remember it was a little tea party in Boston that got this whole thing started so don't say there's nothing we can do now!

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The biggest issue is that the system (federal) favors incumbents - they have access to a war chest built up over their term in office (house or senate), access to professional staffers in their office, access to free postage, they can point to tangibles they have brought home (aka pork), and most of all name recognition.

The other issue is that there are a whole lot of dumb Americans who don't bother to follow politics, learn the issues and listen to what candidates have to say. They enter the voting booth ignorant and pick a name that sounds familiar.

Edited by Goose

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I was having this very conversation yesterday(it's daily isn't it though?) with a friend who now has to speak at a meeting involving state aid to private schools.There are no vouchers,and now the state wants to cut what little aid there is.You already pay school taxes whether you use the schools or not.So now tuition will go up as well.Iknow ,I know,thats his choice,but its one in a million examples of how everything is being trickled down to the taxpayer, and it all boils down to the govt. in bed with corporations that dole out billions for profit.This is it,something has to break,and yes it did start with a tea party.The rumblings are getting louder every day.

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On a whole we are just way to dumb. We need to look at who's running this country. They work for us. They who work for us feel its the other way around. I have said this on other threads, vote out a few of the incumbents and see what happens. If nothing vote out a few more.

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  Goose said:
The biggest issue is that the system (federal) favors incumbents - they have access to a war chest built up over their term in office (house or senate), access to professional staffers in their office, access to free postage, they can point to tangibles they have brought home (aka pork), and most of all name recognition.

THe bigger problem is "my" legislator does a great job bringing home pork.....its the othe 100 legislators that are the problem because they spend to much (bring pork back home). I dont get to vote them out. I keep votting my guy in because of the great job he//she is doing.

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  Chris192 said:
Businesses fail and they go out of business but the government just rolls along. Why are their any career politicians still in office? Why haven't they all been fired like the coaches/managers of all NY sports teams that haven't won a championship this year.

Fail = Fired / Voted out of Office

What really gets ME, is how many people are losing jobs, hours getting cut back, trying to lay off/demote civil servants (i.e. YFD), and yet, as your comparison said Chris, how come you don't see any cutbacks in places like the NFL, NBA, or MLB, with these players, making multi-millions each year, always re-negotiating for more money.

While those out there protecting and serving their fellow person are losing their jobs, these people drive their half-million dollar cars (or don't even drive, because of their chauffeurs), going to their penthouses, with dozens of supermodels??

I will never get this system!!!

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Or worse, you see these legislators asking for pay raises.

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  Bnechis said:
THe bigger problem is "my" legislator does a great job bringing home pork.....its the othe 100 legislators that are the problem because they spend to much (bring pork back home). I dont get to vote them out. I keep votting my guy in because of the great job he//she is doing.


DING DING...Are you saying we're all part of the problem Bob? (or most of us at least?)

What should we do? Look in the mirror? Nah, let's just pressure our leaders to bring home the bacon, complain that everyone else is getting more than us and fight for our share...then "they" can just print more money, or whatever, and let our kids figure this mess out...right?

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  xfirefighter484x said:
What really gets ME, is how many people are losing jobs, hours getting cut back, trying to lay off/demote civil servants (i.e. YFD), and yet, as your comparison said Chris, how come you don't see any cutbacks in places like the NFL, NBA, or MLB, with these players, making multi-millions each year, always re-negotiating for more money.

While those out there protecting and serving their fellow person are losing their jobs, these people drive their half-million dollar cars (or don't even drive, because of their chauffeurs), going to their penthouses, with dozens of supermodels??

I will never get this system!!!

As long as people are willing to shellout big bucks to go to a ball game and spend $7.00 for a beer you will continue to see the athletes making the money they are making.

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  HFD219 said:
As long as people are willing to shellout big bucks to go to a ball game and spend $7.00 for a beer you will continue to see the athletes making the money they are making.

Which is a stark, and unfortunate reality! Some people seem to almost be spending more on these things to "escape" the reality of said fiscal crises!

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  WAS967 said:
Or worse, you see these legislators asking for pay raises.

Actually, Congress doesn't have to ask, it's an automatic...

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  xfirefighter484x said:
What really gets ME, is how many people are losing jobs, hours getting cut back, trying to lay off/demote civil servants (i.e. YFD), and yet, as your comparison said Chris, how come you don't see any cutbacks in places like the NFL, NBA, or MLB, with these players, making multi-millions each year, always re-negotiating for more money.

While those out there protecting and serving their fellow person are losing their jobs, these people drive their half-million dollar cars (or don't even drive, because of their chauffeurs), going to their penthouses, with dozens of supermodels??

I will never get this system!!!

Sports is the private sector and as long they have the money they'll pay big bucks.

The problem as I see it is that the government tries to operate the same way. They are only now trying to be fiscally responsible and its too little too late!

Barry's right too. As long as pork keeps coming home people will keep voting this people back into office.

What do we do about it?

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  Chris192 said:
Isn't it obvious - it's just not working!

I thought this was about my diet efforts....

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Its our fault, collectively as citizens.

Our country is sliding into disarray because we've parted ourselves from the foundation which made us great. When you strip morality, intelligence, common sense and personal honor from the general population, you fail. As the generations pass, we fall further and further from where we used to be.

...but what do I know, maybe we should try getting rid of more guns or giving more money to those who refuse to work? That should fix it.

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Everything is supply and demand. From sex to drugs to government. Everyone wants sports. We live vicariously through their accomplishments. I have never set foot on the field at Yankee stadium, but damn it, WE lost last season and WE haven't had a real shot at the ring in years. As long as the market will support it salaries will grow. Civil servants are an expendable commodity. Monday night at 7pm millions of Americans are not looking for a firefighter or cop. The vast majority of renters do not have rental insurance. Its cheap and very generous with coverage, but most people don't get it because they're not the one who's place is going to get broken in to or burned up. Much like insurance until you need it you don't understand the true value of your civil servants.

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  gss131 said:
I was having this very conversation yesterday(it's daily isn't it though?) with a friend who now has to speak at a meeting involving state aid to private schools.There are no vouchers,and now the state wants to cut what little aid there is.You already pay school taxes whether you use the schools or not.So now tuition will go up as well.Iknow ,I know,thats his choice,but its one in a million examples of how everything is being trickled down to the taxpayer, and it all boils down to the govt. in bed with corporations that dole out billions for profit.This is it,something has to break,and yes it did start with a tea party.The rumblings are getting louder every day.

can you elaborate more on this state aid to private schools.

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  ny10570 said:
Everything is supply and demand. From sex to drugs to government. Everyone wants sports. We live vicariously through their accomplishments. I have never set foot on the field at Yankee stadium, but damn it, WE lost last season and WE haven't had a real shot at the ring in years. As long as the market will support it salaries will grow. Civil servants are an expendable commodity. Monday night at 7pm millions of Americans are not looking for a firefighter or cop. The vast majority of renters do not have rental insurance. Its cheap and very generous with coverage, but most people don't get it because they're not the one who's place is going to get broken in to or burned up. Much like insurance until you need it you don't understand the true value of your civil servants.

What's going on Monday night at 7 PM?

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sorry, my mistake 8pm..monday night football. Only 8 more months to go.

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