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Guest DFFD227

Yonkers - Working Fire - 1/8/08

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Date: 1/8/08

Time: 1130

Location: 33 Victor St X Oliver/Chestnut

Frequency: 484.7125

Description Of Incident: Fire between 33 Victor and 35 Victor Street. both 3-story frame OMDs with no seperation.

Writer: DFFD227, spyda313, Truck4

11:37- Phone Alarm for smoke on 2nd Floor of 33 Victor st.

Intial: E 306, 303, 309, 312 Ladder 71, 72, Res1 Saft. Batt 1.

11:38- Batt 1 to 312: "Come up oak and stage on corner of chestnut and oak. grab Main with LDH (large diameter hose)."

11:39- E306 10-84 checking, 3 story woodframe.

11:40- Batt 1 to Yonkers: "10-84, E306 reporting a fire in the wall of the 2nd fl."

11:42- Batt 1 to L72: "Come up Elm to Victor."

11:45- Batt 1 to Yonkers: "10-30"

11:46- Yonkers to L75 relocate Sta. 1

11:47: Batt 1 to Yonkers: "Fire in a 2 story P/D woodframe and between 2 P/D woodframe buildings, Exposures as follows:

1- Street

2- Similar with an alley approx. 30ft.

3- Rear Yard

4- Simliar with very little separation.

2 lines stretched, 1 in each building, companies opening up, truck co's on roof. All Co's Working"

11:50: MSU 10-84

12:07- Yonkers to Batt 1: "Located a building owner for 33 victor st. Going to meet you at scene."

12:12- Batt 1 to Yonkers: "Fire Under control, Checking for extension."

12:15- Rescue1 10-8

12:20 Batt. 1 to Yonkers: "Fire is out, was between 2 buildings 33 and 35 victor st., OEM on scene, companies overhauling"

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