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Chelsea - Working Fire 12-30-08

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Date: 12-30-08


Location: 3103 Granite Ct

Frequency: 453.900 (DC Dispatch), 458.925 (DC Response), 453.800 (DC Command)

Units Operating: Chelsea, Castle Point, Rombout, Beacon Vol Ambulance

Description Of Incident: Working Kitchen Fire

Writer: SPFC56-233 and EFFD3918

10:55 - Castle Point 91-11 Responding

10:55 - 35-L2 requesting address

10:57 - B-Vac 82-72 responding

10:57 - Chelsea 35-12 responding

10:59 - County updates address of 3103 Granite Ct

10:59 - Rombout 62-45 responding

10:59 - Chelsea 35-11 responding

11:00 - Castle Point 91-11 Nothing showing from front

11:00 - Chelsea 35-35 responding

11:00 - 91-1 to 911 Working Kitchen Fire

11:01 - 35-52 responding

11:01 - 35-11 O/S

11:06 - 35-1 O/S W/Active Kitchen Fire

11:07 - 35-52 O/S

11:08 - Chelsea Comm to DC 911 - Fire out contained to corner of room

11:11 - Chelsea comm to 911 requesting FID team and Fire Inspector to scene

11:57 - Units clearing scene

Edited by SPFC56-233
Duplicate IA's merged.

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