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FEMA Grants to fight homelessness

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WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) today announced that federal funds

totaling $200 million has been awarded to help prevent homelessness, and feed and shelter the nation's hungry and homeless.

FEMA Administrator David Paulison said the funding was made available by Congress for the National Board of the Emergency Food and Shelter

Program (EFSP) to support social service agencies in more than 2,500 cities and counties across the country. EFSP grant funds are used to

supplement food, shelter, rent, mortgage and utility assistance programs for people with non-disaster related emergencies.

Link to FEMA press release

Don't misunderstand my question, I'm not against helping the homeless but is/should this program part of FEMA's mandate/mission? Homelessness is (usually) not an emergency and there are many other agencies at all levels of government tasked with working on it.

To add this to FEMA's already overloaded plate seems to me like a good but misplaced idea. How about the Department of Health and Human Services, HUD, or even non-governmental partners, etc.?

Whaddya all think?

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I guess it can be argued that increased homelessness could lead to a public health emergency or widespread lawlessness but it's really a stretch. I guess it's just like everything else, they are short money and they have a way to move money from pocket A to pocket B.

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I agree that FEMA is troubled, underfunded, disorganized etc however the answer is simple. From a planning mindset, it is easier to deal w/ residents in homes than it is to attempt to find and help them on the street in an emergency. Easier for paperpwork for benefits, easier for notification during disasters, easier for accounting for citzens of the affected area. (they may be homeless but they are still human beings, and citizens.) Should another agency be responsible or pick up the slack, abselutely? But when no one else steps up...I applaud the moral effort/intent here.

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  NWFDMedic said:
I guess it can be argued that increased homelessness could lead to a public health emergency or widespread lawlessness but it's really a stretch. I guess it's just like everything else, they are short money and they have a way to move money from pocket A to pocket B.

Then put it under Health and Human Services where it belongs. Unless they are trying to fix the issues they created with Katrina.

FEMA isn't a emergency responder which unfortunately all too many people deem it that way. It does need to be fixed but until better choices as their directors are made (Witt was the closest to being great) and listened to...things will not change.

How about more funding for training FEMA!

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How about the one's that are able body in order to get the funds they need to do something like clean the streets, work in a park, etc...

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  TheBuff376 said:
How about the one's that are able body in order to get the funds they need to do something like clean the streets, work in a park, etc...

What I always wondered about "workfare" programs, which is basically what you are describing is how can this be fair to those already working. In my town, we pay people to clean the streets or work in parks and some of them are paid quite lucratively when you consider what the average EMT or Medic makes around here. Imagine if some homeless person had firefighter training and said he would be a firefighter for a city with a paid department for his government stipend. (On an unrelated note, how does work done by prison release programs affect union contracts?)

In my humble opinion, it would be better for us to pay an able-bodied person for six months (or some random number) and then tell them they are off the system if they don't find a job. If you go out and get a full-time job in that time period or can at least document that you've searched for the job, your income status would be reevaluated, and if you needed further help, then and only then would you qualify for work training programs, etc. Show the initiative to get a full-time job, then we will see what we can do to help.

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nycemt nailed it. Homeless create a huge headache when disaster strikes.

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  alsfirefighter said:
Then put it under Health and Human Services where it belongs. Unless they are trying to fix the issues they created with Katrina.

FEMA isn't a emergency responder which unfortunately all too many people deem it that way. It does need to be fixed but until better choices as their directors are made (Witt was the closest to being great) and listened to...things will not change.

How about more funding for training FEMA!

Just saw on the news all Fema's camper parks down south

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  JHK3605 said:
Just saw on the news all Fema's camper parks down south

That's another good question - why are there still FEMA trailer parks housing displaced people from Katrina? The emergency is over. Now FEMA is a social services agency, and being criticized for not being a good one, instead of as ALS said investing in training, preparedness or other elements of its true mission.

Why weren't these trailers a temporary measure? And why isn't New Orleans or Louisiana doing their part for their residents?

I know we probably don't have all the answers to these questions so rant over. :P

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ALS had it right. Should be under DHHS (Dept. of Health and Human Services) not FEMA. It specifically states its not for emergency purposes. But whatever, as long as it works I suppose.

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  SageVigiles said:
ALS had it right. Should be under DHHS (Dept. of Health and Human Services) not FEMA. It specifically states its not for emergency purposes. But whatever, as long as it works I suppose.

Is FEMA going to give money the agencies that have to respond and cover the homeless shelters, We are always being called to the local homeless shelter for bullshit calls. Taking 50% of the on duty staff out of service to be a taxi cab with lights.

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