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Hawthorne-MVA W/ Extrication-12/21/2008

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Date: 12/21/2008

Time: 13:28

Location: Taconic State Pkwy Southbound North of Saw Mill River Pkwy Exit Ramp

Frequency: 46.26, Fire 11 and EMS 11

Units Operating: Hawthorne units 2191, 2192, 2193, E155 and 63-B1 Valhalla R9 and E84 Briarcliff 2051, E92, E94, R37, 54-B1? 37-M1 and 36-M1

Description Of Incident: Hawthorne and Valhalla duel response to the above location for MVA rollover possible extrication advising Briarcliff dispatched for MVA TSP south in the area of RT117. (Possibly one in the same.)

13:29- 2191, 2193 responding

13:32- 2192, E155 63-B1 and R9 responding

13:33- 2483 requesting tones for additional manpower for E84 to respond

13:34- 60 Control Advising 2191 that 2051 is on scene confirming extrication.

13:34- 2191, 2193 on location

13:35- 2192, E155, 63-B1 on location

13:36- R9 on location, E84 responding

13:45- Pt has been extricated and in care of EMS

13:47- Pt being transported ALS with 54-B1 to WMC

13:50- All Briarcliff units clear

14:20- All Hawthorne and Valhalla units clear per 2191

* All times are approx.*

Writer: DaRock98

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