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NYS Budget & OFPC

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I watched the Govenor give his budget speech. He is calling for large cuts, layoffs and also eliminating jobs through attirition. He also is calling for the merger of some state agencies. Does anyone know how this will affect OFPC? Will training hours be cut? Will departments have to rely on themselves to augment the state training they recieve?

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Having Code Enforecement certification as part of my job with NYS, we have already been advised that we may not be offered the required 24 hours of inservice training by NYS and that we may have to seek it through the private sector. NYS Codes has lost a few instructors and may be down to 5 or 6 by 1/09 and they may be teaching the basic training only. The outlook clearly is bleak for NYS.

Being a state employee and a union shop stewart it will be interesting to see what transpires. We have been without a contract for almost three years, without raises and any cost of living adjustments and the cost of EVERYTHING rising you just wonder how to hell people can just afford to live.

Edited by markmets415

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Here is the link outlining the reduction in workforce.

It's just amazing to look at Patterson's proposals.

So he wants to not give me a raise at least until MAYBE 2012 so that makes it 6 years without a COLA and then he wants to take 5 days pay away from me too, I guess he believes that I should be happy that I have a job.

Edited by markmets415

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I didn't see any reduction in pay for elected officials, even the ones who voted for a pay raise. I know it was either the end of last year or the begining of this year. Can anyone tell me about the Rainy Day Fund? Reductions of legislative staffs? Not there either.

Now for the Soda tax. If I drink a rum and coke do I get taxed vs a rum and diet coke?

While times are tough its time for the bafooms in Albany to think out of the box. You can just tax people to a point where they revolt or work with them. How many are in the same boat with Mark and have not had a raise in several years? Bonuses are another thing that is gone. We're all trying to make ends meet with the same amount of money. OK Governor, how about you use the same numbers as last year and make it work? Then oyu may have a chance at re election. Making us pay more taxes actually lowers the standard of living.

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I am getting screwed by Westchester County and now NYS I am going to sell everything and HIDE Dont have to pay if they can't find me!!!!

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I have no problem with the soda tax and in some ways think it is an out of the box way to find some funding. The problem is it isn't a type of tax with consistancy like property tax so like sales tax the revenue flucuates. No AJS you won't be taxed on your rum and coke but the cost may go up a bit being the bar has to pay tax on the its purchase of the soda.

I can't say that I agree with all of the cuts. I do not know what the outcome will be with OFPC, but I would imagine there will have to be some cuts as everyone is effected. I have yet to get any word on what the trickle down effect will be. As far as departments having to supplement their training...I don't know why any department with an MTO and MFI's wouldn't be doing that already or thinking about it. For others I think the time has come that departments will also have to invest in their personnel taking training, even if it were something simple like $10 or $25 per student. Municipalities have to pay for their personnel to attend the academy but yet volunteer departments have to invest nothing. This might also get departments to handle no show and drop out students more effectively.

You can move to PA if you'd like. But their fire training requirements are ridiculously low and dangerous.

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Like everything else im sure OFPC will be cut !!!! How do states with no property or school taxes do it? How about eliminating duplicate services in Gov't ?

Edited by JHK3605

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  markmets415 said:
Here is the link outlining the reduction in workforce.

It's just amazing to look at Patterson's proposals.

So he wants to not give me a raise at least until MAYBE 2012 so that makes it 6 years without a COLA and then he wants to take 5 days pay away from me too, I guess he beleives that I should be happy that I have a job.

but Mark he kept 8 million in the budget for a walkway? He must be blind

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You can move to PA if you'd like. But their fire training requirements are ridiculously low and dangerous


They dont even do Scene Support?

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  JHK3605 said:
but Mark he kept 8 million in the budget for a walkway? He must be blind

Uhhhhhhhhh................ :mellow:

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I'm not sure how acurate this is but I heard there are like an estimated 8 million $$$ worth of painting and art in the state buildings, sell the damn things to raise some $$$$$.

Edited by markmets415

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Further more those unions that have been able to agree with the state in good faith on a contract last year now Patterson is trying to take the deals back. I know as we all do that these are tough and we all know that we need to cut back, this man stands ZERO chance at re-election.

How does he think we can pay for college for our kids, we have a visit to Manhattanville college tomorrow with my son. How do you tell your kids I can't afford to send you to school? We encourage them throughout their school days and then say Sorry either you go into debt for the rest of your life to pay for school or get a job at Mickie D's making $6. an hour and throw your dreams and goals in the dumpster when you take out the garbage at night. Poor kids today are screwed even before they start.

This whole thing is just a frggin head shaker!!!! Enough of my rantings, sorry guys.

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  dave27 said:

They dont even do Scene Support?

Is this a sarcastic post? I honestly can't tell.

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  Raz said:
Is this a sarcastic post? I honestly can't tell.

No its a question

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  dave27 said:

They dont even do Scene Support?

I don't know what exact response you're looking for or what your context in that particular question was but from poking around their state fire academy site it looks like they do have something called fire ground support. Most states however do not have Scene support or such a course as NY does to begin with. I would be a little more :o:o at the fact that they don't require Firefighter 1 then ever worrying about scene support.

As far as their training I read that departments "voluntarily" take part in the state certification process. Which my statement comes from what one of the PA state fire academy staff members said when overviewing the loss of one of their instructors during a live burn at their facility..."for $20 and and an application, you can join a fire department and be an interior firefighter in our state." Pretty shocking.

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  markmets415 said:
Further more those unions that have been able to agree with the state in good faith on a contract last year now Patterson is trying to take the deals back. I know as we all do that these are tough and we all know that we need to cut back, this man stands ZERO chance at re-election.

How does he think we can pay for college for our kids, we have a visit to Manhattanville college tomorrow with my son. How do you tell your kids I can't afford to send you to school? We encourage them throughout their school days and then say Sorry either you go into debt for the rest of your life to pay for school or get a job at Mickie D's making $6. an hour and throw your dreams and goals in the dumpster when you take out the garbage at night. Poor kids today are screwed even before they start.

This whole thing is just a frggin head shaker!!!! Enough of my rantings, sorry guys.

I agree with you Mark if its not the state its the county or the town or our country gov't they all want to take . Rant away we all feel this way i believe

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  alsfirefighter said:
I don't know what exact response you're looking for or what your context in that particular question was but from poking around their state fire academy site it looks like they do have something called fire ground support. Most states however do not have Scene support or such a course as NY does to begin with. I would be a little more :o:o at the fact that they don't require Firefighter 1 then ever worrying about scene support.

As far as their training I read that departments "voluntarily" take part in the state certification process. Which my statement comes from what one of the PA state fire academy staff members said when overviewing the loss of one of their instructors during a live burn at their facility..."for $20 and and an application, you can join a fire department and be an interior firefighter in our state." Pretty shocking.

WOW That is shocking

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I knew NY had tough standards but didnt realize that there were states that were so far behind

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  JHK3605 said:
I knew NY had tough standards but didnt realize that there were states that were so far behind


If PA is #50, then NYS is not far ahead. Even NYS Labor Law (as also required by the federal government) requires more training than we actually require of our volunteer firefighters. If all you did was complete OFPC's FF I the Dept of state says you maybe considered for interior, but state law (DOL) says you are not qualified to even respond on any calls.

And how many ff's went thru prior to any testing other than can you fill out the little orange card that said you were present?

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  JHK3605 said:
I knew NY had tough standards but didnt realize that there were states that were so far behind

Which NY?

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  Bnechis said:

If PA is #50, then NYS is not far ahead. Even NYS Labor Law (as also required by the federal government) requires more training than we actually require of our volunteer firefighters. If all you did was complete OFPC's FF I the Dept of state says you maybe considered for interior, but state law (DOL) says you are not qualified to even respond on any calls.

And how many ff's went thru prior to any testing other than can you fill out the little orange card that said you were present?

I have dealt with the PA Academy, and would say that they have outstanding programs for training their firefighters. Whereas NY State has a focus on basic "skills" (Firefighter I, Firefighter II, Truck Company Operations, etc), there is little or no focus on tactical operations. The PA system not only provides the basic "skills" course, but offers a wide range of courses which focus on tactical operations on the fire ground, both for the firefighter and the fire officer. I am pretty impressed with their approach, and indeed feel NY State should expand its course offerings to replicate this tactical approach.

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  alsfirefighter said:
Most states however do not have Scene support or such a course as NY does to begin with. I would be a little more :o:o at the fact that they don't require Firefighter 1 then ever worrying about scene support

That's what I was getting at in my first post. IMO, NY would be a lot better off if it didn't have classes like scene support.

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Remember. this is the same governor that, after first calling for spending cuts in the current budget, bought an antique oriental rug for his taxpayer paid for mansion. This was just a few weeks ago.

Do as I say, not as I do.

When it comes to Albany, it is truely the blind leading the blind.

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