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Allingtown West Haven - Serious Budget Problems

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Allingtown Fire District Service in Peril

New Haven Register

Abbe Smith

This situation has continued to deteriorate for a few months now. If we don't pass the budget this Wednesday, it could be it for the district. Chief of Department Mossaro said this week to WFSB news that the district may have to "close its doors" if the crisis isn't taken care of. The union, the paid department, the volunteers, and UNH have all been trying to get out the vote, but a group of taxpayers seem to be determined to subvert the fire district. This group has come out publically saying that they wouldn't mind the district to go under because the other districts would cover for us, and then they would get away without paying taxes. Unfortuately, people believe this BS (it isn't true, neither the city nor the other districts are required to provide services to the district.) By the end of next week, the department could be looking at layoffs or shutting down the paid department altogether.

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Did you guys read those remarks in the e-mails to the news paper. Wow you got trouble. Good luck

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The comments are unbelieveable!! What a bunch of boobs. Let me guess, they think that somehow, somewhere a bunch of well trained, dedicated volunteers, that are availible to respond 24/7 are going to just magically appear to solve the budget problem. Sounds like they are in for a rude awakening when either:

A: their insurance goes through the roof with no fire protection is close by,


B: neighboring departments send a large bill for services provided.

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grumpy, you forgot option C:

Someone dies due to the lack of a paramedic in the area and having to come from a surrounding district.

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Only thing is, the other districts don't have to provide coverage. West Haven Center is having some budget problems of their own, and it would be very unlikely that they would be able to handle the additional call volume themselves without having to increase their budget. This "rogue" group of taxpayers seems to think that they can just get rid of the AFD and someone will pop up in its place... Not likely.

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I know a lot of people ins Allingtown and having gone to high school in their district I can tell you that Allingtown Fire District has had budget troubles in the past. This is nothing new for them unfortunately. West Haven has three separate fire districts and over the years there have been calls for consolidation of all three (West Haven First, Allingtown and West Shore). This seems more of a reality in recent years but as we know this will not happen overnight as the city does not have control over the fire districts.

Here is what I posted on another website:

Some years they had a great budget and surplus, others not so much. Having budget problems is nothing new for Allingtown. I feel bad for everyone who works in AFD since they are very dedicated to their job and have provided their residents with top service but yet again they now have to worry about the saftey of their jobs. Allingtown is the poorest section of West Haven (compared to the other areas in the city) despite having a few big taxpayers (ie NHU ect.) but it doesn't help.

I remember when AFD ran the Mack Telesquirt (both pre and post refurbishing), current Engine 3 when it was front line, the old 1960-something Mack that was their backup (I think their is a picture in the gallery here), the old rescue and they needed to be replaced. Look at their fleet now, up to date and high quality. They are a busy small department and look at what hazards they have in their district. Remember when they lost a guy per shift a few years back and just got the position back fairly recently? Losing the paramedic service also would be the greatest blow to the department! They fought hard to get it!

I know a few people who work for the district and I hope the residents of the district realize they would be losing a lot if this budget doesn't pass.

All three district firefighters are in the same IAFF local but each district also negotiates their own contract. Unfortunately this group of taxpayers think they know everything and they don't, we all have people like this in our own towns and cities. Its sad to see that these firefighters now have to worry about being laid off. Unfortunately if it doesn't pass it looks bleak for AFD. :(

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It's too bad to see this happening. Allingtown FD runs as first responders for medical calls in the district. Who would come in? AMR, Center Dist? They have a very diverse district, residental, commercial buildings, and even a college to cover for.

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Sounds to me like they need new leadership and I don't mean specifically in the chief ranks. How can you make a $400,000 accounting error when your total proposed budget is only 4.6 million. Sounds more like lets spend it before they cut next years budget. In the end though the chief, assuming he is responsible for the budget, is legally bound to follow his budget. Probably another topic, but why some fire departments leave their budgets to members that have no financial background and rarely even balance their own check books at home is beyond me.

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Sounds to me like they need new leadership and I don't mean specifically in the chief ranks. How can you make a $400,000 accounting error when your total proposed budget is only 4.6 million. Sounds more like lets spend it before they cut next years budget. In the end though the chief, assuming he is responsible for the budget, is legally bound to follow his budget. Probably another topic, but why some fire departments leave their budgets to members that have no financial background and rarely even balance their own check books at home is beyond me.

The error was made by the City of West Haven who loaned all three fire districts money not the Allingtown Fire District board of commissioners. Now West Haven's city government has gone through some economic trouble with their own due to previous handling of finances, government transitions, ect.. The city lent each district $400,000 to help with the budgets initially to help out each district's pension fund. Well West Haven found the error they made in giving the money and wanted it all to be paid back. Well this really put the districts into a financial mess. West Haven Center is okay but West Shore was facing similar problems but were able to pass a budget. Also the pension plans from West Haven Center and West Shore are now through the state's municipal pension fund, Allingtown is not part of it yet.

If you want to go to and look up all the troubles West Haven has had as a whole over the past few years, just search the Register's articles.

I just hope that Allingtown's firefighters don't face layoffs.

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Budget passed! 208 yes to 190 no. VERY close vote, very packed house...

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Thank God! Hopefully they can move forward now and plan for the future with the rest of the city. Still a long road ahead.

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