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Verplanck's hahn

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Has anybody bought Verplanck's hahn is it still in Verplanck?

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Yes it is im just curious If Its still around or IF Its sold

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As I understood it, the rig was sold and just recently left. I'm sure someone more close to the situation can give you more info, though.

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Okay from what I have heard I believe it was sold to the same people who bought the old MACK as a collecters item. Not 100% sure because I have been in classes and not been around the FD

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You are correct. The same guy who owns the C Mack now also owns the Hahn. It's been relocated to it's new home where it will be well cared for.

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does anybody know if the old R-42 is still around i saw it in the ambulance bay at the main station?

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does anybody know if the old R-42 is still around i saw it in the ambulance bay at the main station?

Are you talking about the GMC/Ranger?

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