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Obama and change

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I am a life long republican and I voted for John McCain. I also think that he got a raw deal in as much as the media was dead set against him from the start and as we all know the media has a ton of power when it comes to electing someone.

I am taking a wait and see approach with his presidency. I appreciate the fact that he has been somewhat bipartisan in his cabinet picks, but we will see how long that will last. There was a poster who said something to the effect of that the cabinet doesn't set policy, the president does... well if that were true which it isn't we are in a whole heap of trouble because we have an incoming president who knows NOTHING about foreign policy or anthing else for that matter.

He seems to be a smart congenial man but lets hope he leads us in the right direction and not further down the tubes where we are now.

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Not this time he didn't!!! :(

That's why this country is so great. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and you know how the saying goes... opinions are like ***holes and everyone has one.

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and most of them stink

Just like most of Obama's picks

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This is slightly less productive than spitting into the wind. We had 20 years of excellent leadership from Reagan through Clinton. The country pulled through some hard times, had quite a few bumps in the road, but in the end we were headed towards the apex of a level of economic growth unseen since the civil war. In that time we had Democrats and Republicans in the White House and every few years control of the house and/or senate would change up. Bush stepped in with many of the same people his father selected for his own presidency and a few things didn't quite go his way. It took a few years after the first Bush left office before people realized how good he really was. Its been a couple years and Jimmy Carter is still seen as one of the worst Presidents ever. Who knows, maybe in a few years the public perception of Bush will improve too. For better or worse Obama is president for the next 4 years. In three years his performance and the performance of those around him will be evaluated and we'll see what happens.

Edited by ny10570

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Just like most of Obama's picks

indeed they do

OK, who would you have picked, and be specific!

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OK, who would you have picked, and be specific!

To be honest I don't have a name, but I would have started with the agency itself. If no one acceptable was available there, then it would have been onto the NSA or DIA. First and foremost I most assuredly would have picked someone with actual intelligence experience and a familiarity with al Qaida and bin Laden as well as the Middle East. Some one who has actually been there on the ground at some point and someone with a military background who is familiar with our other advesaries as well.

Remember all of those Clintonites had the chance years ago to deal with bin Laden and sat idly by as he grew in stature and power, not to mention the Balkan or Rwandan fiascos. I'm sorry but stepping back to that mentality is to me the wrong road to take. Clinton's foriegn policy and national defense "accomplishments" were few and far between, and while yes our domestic issues should take center stage, a withdrawl or return to the pacifist Clinton (i.e. Democrat) policies on the world stage will have dire consequences.

Not to be insensitive but I think we've learned that lesson already.


Edited by FFPCogs

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I am disappointed in our countries fling with Obama. The way he won the hearts of so many, so easily, just by words was scary. You can talk plenty, but will you live up to all of the hype? My question has always been, Change? What type of change, and how drastic? It's scary to think Illinois' most junior center, is now the president of our country. I would rather see someone with more experience then him win an election. I am not a Democrat or a Republican, I'm a realist...

I like the fact that Obama picked an unbiased cabinet. He can be compared to Lincoln, who set up a cabinet of enemies in order to govern evenly. He also wants to set up a stimulus package comparable to Roosevelt, who got America back by creating jobs and public works companies. Such jobsites as the Hoover Dam, were set up to benefit America by creating jobs and supplying power to a nation.

Time will only tell how he does when he is actually in office..

Edited by JayKenney

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He also wants to set up a stimulus package comparable to Roosevelt, who got America back by creating jobs and public works companies. Such jobsites as the Hoover Dam, were set up to benefit America by creating jobs and supplying power to a nation.

Time will only tell how he does when he is actually in office..

Unfortuantely in the late 1930's it was the lead up to and then our involvement in World War II itself in 1941 which pulled this nation out of the Great Depression. God forbid that is what lies ahead, but with choices such as Panetta and Hillary it may very well be that history will indeed repeat itself.

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I think you guys are getting worked up over nothing; all your accomplishing is gaining a few more grey hairs and aggravating your ulcers. Everyone who has been President has fed the American people a line of poppycock so they could get elected and its always the same result no matter who got elected. The American people got an empty bag. This is the way its been, its the way it will always be in our country as long as we operate under this system.

I'd worry more about local politics; its really the only level of government that we control and can force change. Gotta start somewhere folks.

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