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Dover - 3rd Alarm - 11-18-08

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Date: 11-18-08

Time: Approx. 1358hrs

Location: 42 Midfield Lane - Taconic Meadows??/Metals???

Frequency: 453.900, 453.925, 453.800

Units Operating: Dover, Amenia, Union Vale, Pawling, Wassaic, Dispatcher 1411, 1427

Description Of Incident: 2nd Alarm On Arrival

Writer: xfirefighter484x

approx. 1358hrs - Dover dispatched for a possible structure fire

1400hrs - Dover 36-45 responding

1402hrs - 36-13 o/s reporting working fire, requesting tankers

1404hrs - DC911 Transmitting 2nd Alarm, Wassaic, and other tankers requested

1407hrs - 36-73 o/s

1411hrs - Millbrook 49-31, Wassaic 69-11 and -31, Pawling 54-31 all to the scene, Pawling St. 1 go on s/b

1415hrs - Wassaic 69-31 responding

1416hrs - Dover 36-62 responding

1420hrs - 3rd Alarm tx, Wassaic 69-11 now to the scene, Pawling 54-14 relocate to Dover St. 1, Union Vale St. 2, relocate an engine to Dover St. 2, Amenia 31-16 to the scene, Millbrook 49-31 3rd dispatch to respond

1422hrs - 54-14 now relocating 1422

1422hrs - 49-2 to DC911, 49-31 DID respond after 3rd dispatch

1423hrs - Wassaic 69-31 o/s

1425hrs - Dover 36-12 o/s

1426hrs - Union Vale 67-14 driver alone, awaiting a full crew

1426hrs - 31-16 awaiting a crew

1428hrs - Wassaic, addition dispatch, awaiting driver, Amenia 31-16 driver awaiting a crew, requested to the scene of the structure fire, UVFD 67-14 is awaiting a crew to relocate

1429hrs - Millbrook 49-31 o/s, UVFD 67-14 responding to relocate w/a full crew

1430hrs - 63-14 crew awaiting a driver

1433hrs - Dover Command requesting discontinue any further dispatches, NYSEG dispatched to the scene, fire u/c, DC911 will inform code enforcement official and NYSEG

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