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Recertification through CMEs

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I am trying to my certification in both NY and DE. Both states allow recertification through CMEs and have the same requirements. I figure it will be easiest to recert this way vs taking 2 tests. My question is: if I take CME classes in Delaware, are they valid for credit in NY? Am I supposed to collect some sort of proof of completion after each class?

Edited by OoO

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  OoO said:
I am trying to my certification in both NY and DE. Both states allow recertification through CMEs and have the same requirements. I figure it will be easiest to recert this way vs taking 2 tests. My question is: if I take CME classes in Delaware, are they valid for credit in NY? Am I supposed to collect some sort of proof of completion after each class?

Core CME (the 24 hours on the front page of the recert application) are required to be done with a CIC in New york. I have attached the CME based recert guide for your reference. Additional information can be found @ the following url:

Look through the site and you will find FAQ for the CME based recert.



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I was actually just going to look this up.

I don't expire til 2010 but I don't wanna wait until

the last minute and go crazy looking for CME's.

Thanks for posting the information!

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My department actually just started the idea for the CMEs for all of our EMTs this year, so I do not have much solid info since we are still just a pilot program. Just a side note, I know my Lt. who heads our program told us about a website with a great deal of CME opportunity valid in NYS: From what I remember you can get unlimited credit hours for a year for $100, but dont quote me, just check out the site. Hope this tidbit helps.

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  nwpfdjr27 said:
My department actually just started the idea for the CMEs for all of our EMTs this year, so I do not have much solid info since we are still just a pilot program. Just a side note, I know my Lt. who heads our program told us about a website with a great deal of CME opportunity valid in NYS: From what I remember you can get unlimited credit hours for a year for $100, but dont quote me, just check out the site. Hope this tidbit helps.

Be careful!!! Only 12 hours of core and 12 hours of elective CME's can be done online.

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Like Bil14g said - to recert in New York classes are going to have to be taught by a CIC or CLI in. On-top of going to classes your going to have to get a CIC to sign off on the skills indicated in the packet as well.

Again, 24 hours is the max for self study credit hours.

Also don't forget that at least in Westchester CMEs need to be approved for credit by the region and you HAVE to sign in and out on the attendance sheet.

Edited by Goose

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Thanks guys, did not know that there were limited credit hours on line. We have plenty of classes set up so that it should not be an issue, but I will pass the word along to my dept.

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Don't you have to be affiliated with an organization that participates in the CME program?

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  Goose said:
Also don't forget that at least in Westchester CMEs need to be approved for credit by the region and you HAVE to sign in and out on the attendance sheet.

So does that mean I would need each of my Delaware CMEs approved by WREMSCO?

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  OoO said:
So does that mean I would need each of my Delaware CMEs approved by WREMSCO?

Not sure how that works, i've never taken a CME not sponsored by the county. your best bet is call the WREMSCO and or state and find out if you can get credit.

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  50-65 said:
Don't you have to be affiliated with an organization that participates in the CME program?

Yes you do have to be affiliated with a agency that participates in the Cme program. Your agency has to resigester you in the cme program as well.

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