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Yonkers FD Local 628 Impact Study for Downtown Development

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I just happened to come across, over the internet, with the official Impact Study Response that the Yonkers Fire Department IAFF Local 628 had presented to both the City of Yonkers and to the developer, STRUEVER,FIDLCO, CAPPELLI. A number of interesting information was outlined in their detailed impact study response. Within the response (to which I have provided the URL Link below, in case other members of would like read for themselves, it appears as if the following is being recommended for the future of the Yonkers FD, as it relates not only to the SFC Downtown Project, but as it relates to the current/on going RIDGE HILL Project:

"Local 628 proposes that in order to provide fire protection for the SFC project,without jeopardizing safety and the Departments ability to adequately respond tofires and other emergencies city-wide, the City and the Fire Department need totake the following actions:

1 ) Replace the 2 Companies that the Department is currently short

2) Implement the 1 Ladder Company proposed under the Ridge Hill project

3) Increase the YFD by 1 Additional Company

4) Increase the staffing of 9 of the Companies in the SFC projects response area, from 3 Firefighters and 1 Officer to 4 Firefighters and 1 Officer

This would result in a total of 22 Companies, staffed each tour with 75 Firefighters, 22 Company Officers, 2 Battalion Chiefs, 1 Safety Officer, 2 Battalion Aide FF's, & 1 Fire Investigations FF. (See Table 4)

This would provide sufficient personnel and equipment to respond to a high-rise fire with 11 Companies staffed each tour with a total of 43 Firefighters, 11 Company Officers, 2 Battalion Chiefs, 1 Safety Officer, 2Battalion Aide FF's, & 1 Fire Investigations FF. (See Table 5)

This would also provide the Yonkers Fire Department with sufficient available units to respond to additional alarms at the scene of the high-risefire or to provide fire protection for the rest of the City with 11 Companiesstaffed each tour with 33 Firefighters and 11 Company Officers. (SeeTable 5). [Note that unless additional Chiefs and Officers were re-calledto duty, other Company Officers would be required to assume thefunctions of Incident Commander and Safety Officer.]"

Within this Impact Study Information, the IAFF Local 628 have indicated that they, along with Commissioner Pagano are recommending that the following Fire House Apparatus Level:

Station 1 (New Fire Headquarters To Be Built on Neprahan Avenue and New Main Street):

Tower Ladder 71

Rescue Company 1

New Engine Company as part of the SFC Development Plan (Engine Company 301 ?)

Safety Battalion

Station 3

Engine Company 303

Battalion 1

New Ladder Company as part of the SFC Development Plan (Ladder Company 77 ?)

Station 4

Engine Company 304

Ladder 74

Station 6

Engine Company 306

Station 7

Engine Company 307

Fire Investigation Unit

Station 8

Engine Company 308

[Note: YFD Marine Unit is housed from this Station as well]

Station 9

Engine Company 309

Ladder Company 72

Station 10

Engine Company 310

New Ladder Company as part of the RIDGE HILL project (Ladder Company 76 ?)

*Note: Given that the existing quarters of Engine 310 is a "Single Bay" Building, one would have to presume that based upon the information provided within this IAFF Local 628 report, that a New Station 10 would need to be built in order to house both an Engine Company and a Ladder Company

Station 11

Squad 11

New Rescue Company as part of the SFC Downtown Development Project (Rescue 2 ?)

Note: The Collapse Unit is also housed at Station 11

Station 12

Engine Company 312

Tower Ladder 75

Battalion 2

Mask Service Unit

Station 13

Engine Company 313

Ladder Company 73

Note: The Foam Unit is also housed at Station 13

Station 14

Engine Company 314

Ladder Company 70

Again, this is directly from information provided by the Yonkers FD Local 628. Here is the Link to read further:;cd=3&gl=us

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Generally, studies commissioned by PBA's/FF Unions are rarely independant and unbiased. You really need an unbiased study completed by a firm with NO ties to the Unions, the City, or especially the Developers.

And given the recent financial outlook laid out by Yonkers Mayor, I would think these proposed additions have been pushed back significantly.

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