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Major Wildland Fire-Montecito, Ca 11/13/8

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Time: Approx 1800 PST

Location: Cold Springs Area of Montecito

Departments: Montecito FD, Santa Barbara County FD, Santa Barbara City FD, USFS, Cal Fire, California OES Fire, Multiple Local Government Strike Teams

Description: Major Wildland Fire driven by sundowner winds coming off the mountains created a flume which carried the fire through 2500 acres as of 0700 this morning (11/14/08) and has burned at least 100 homes and numerous buildings on a local college which was being used as an evacuation center. Most homes burned at this time are believed to be in an exclusive neighborhood where homes are valued as more than 2.5 million dollars. The exclusive neighborhood is where such celebrities as Oprah, Rob Lowe, Steven Speilberg and others have residences. Winds last night were measured at over 50 mph sustained and gusts of over 70 mph at times.

Links:KNBC Los Angeles Link Cal Fire Incident Page

Writer: RescueKujo

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