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Albany, NY Ambulance Rollover

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From the photos it's hard to tell. There is an intersection with a traffic control light and multiple vehicles involved, so it may be a failure on the part of one or more of the vehicle operators to yield and/or the rig proceeding through the intersection.

Judging by the damage the Jeep and white Sable look like they took the brunt of the impact.

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Interesting. Kinda wierd too, I used to go to school at SUNY and i know where that intersection is. Used to live in that area as well. If my memory is correct, that traffic light doesn't really have that much of a delay. As one goes red, the other goes green instantly. Might have led to the accident. Hope all are okay.

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Do we know if the ambulance had a patient in or was enroute to a call?

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Joe sounds like it was going to a call, had the reds on and siren. There is a video and story on

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