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Guest 34112

West Clinton (Dutchess) Search & Rescue Standby

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Date: 11/11/08

Time: 12:14

Location: West Clinton Fire District (

Frequency: Dispatch, Response, Command, Police Dispatch 1, DCSO Car to Car

Units Operating: NDP, West Clinton, NYSP, DCSO

Description Of Incident: Search and rescue standby for missing child, as of 12:25, DCSO still searching, Fire Department is on standby in quarters

Writer: 34-112

12:14) Initial Dispatch, NDP To respond for standby, West Clinton 71-71 to respond to staging site, also Fire Department To Go on standby. Requested per 71-1

12:16) West Clinton Fire Station on standby

12:18) 2nd Dispatch for 71-71

12:33) DC69 advises search of interior of residence with negative findings, and immediate exterior with no findings, will be mobile in the area.

12:35) 84-73 is out with West Clinton at staging site

12:42) DC73 advises Command Post has been established. Dispatch says Limit Radio traffic insituation Zone 8.

12:42) DC69 on foot searching Mountain View Road area.

12:54) DCSO Headquarters advises State Police are en route with one aviation unit, requests DC69 to get coordinates relayed back to HQ

13:18) Coordinates received, 1H is en route, relay coordinates to Chopper on State Frequency

13:57) DC19 reports ATV on the scene

14:06) DC24 advises subject, 3 year old male has been located in woods by Canine.

14:08) All DCSO units at Shultzville Road, report back to Command Post

14:16) All units and monitoring stations can resume normal radio traffic

Edited by 34112

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