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Obama's "Civilian Security Force".....WhatTheHeck is that?

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No, I don't believe that my interpetation of this speech is the only correct one. Do you believe that *your* interpetation of the speech is the only correct one?

All he said was "civilian domestic security force." I don't know what that means. History gives one possible interpetation. My research into that (yes, I said research) didn't turn much up. I don't know if his plans to increase the size of various citizen service corps that you listed above. I hope he does, I think it would be excellent. But only he can clarify what he meant.

And I've always been part of the problem.... :P;)

Well, seeing as how I didn't offer an interpetation, I can't fully address that.

And as you said, 'only he can clarify what he meant'. I think that really hits the nail on the head, and I agree with you 100%. As Chris192 originally asked, what does it mean? None of us are exactly sure, we have to wait and see. But how the majority of the reponses are so negative, only a few posters suggested positive interpetations of the proposal.

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Do you believe that *your* interpetation of the speech is the only correct one?

From The American Thinker (a Conservative outlet):

I'm just not sure why, with this President, everyone is so quick and vile with their repsonses. I must have read the word Hitler dozens of times in this threads. Not everyone can/will agree on everything, but we need to be a little more open minded and willing to research and educate ourselves.

Anyone who commented on this thread (and you know who you are) without first doing a little research into this quote/clip/idea, is, in my OPINION, part of the problem, not part of the solution.

We can all agree to disagree on ideas and policy, but lets be educated about it.

Indeed. I was trying to visualize what this left wing security force would be tasked with. I'm guessing a team in tie dyed camo's pushing in the door to see if you're separating recyclables, washing with organic soap, spending quality time with your gold fish and teaching your kids about evolution. Gotta tell folks, liberals just aren't that dangerous.

Just a wild guess here, but Vista, Peace Corps? Asking 18 year olds to give a year to their country in service doesn't sound like a bad idea. New Orleans and Galveston could use a little security. Remember, not all 'security' comes at the end of a gun barrel.

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Found these two videos on the 'Federal Assault Wespons ban" that some want to bring back

this is very educational for people who are not familiar with the provisions of the ban:

The second is a little shorter:

Edited by grumpyff

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Uh, I don't mean to rain on anyone's inaugural parade or anything but with regard to videos posted on youtube - do we know the source is actually providing accurate information, objectively, without bias or "spin"? It is a tremendous resource and reviewing a candidate's speech to hear his/her words in context is one thing but all these "informational" videos that reference laws (like the assault weapon ban) have to be taken with a grain of salt unless you know and can verify the information presented.

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...there is a majority of the PUBLIC that votes without doing any sort of research on the canidate besides what they hear from the media...

On this I couldn't agree more, I got an e-mail with the following two links in them. Since they are youtube videos, I will say that the information is not verified by me. The second video is easy enough to verify what the people said, but I do not know for certain how big the sample was. Either way, they bring home this point.

What Do Barack Obama Voters Know?

These also show how bad the media was and how critical the media's role was in this or any election.

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On this I couldn't agree more, I got an e-mail with the following two links in them. Since they are youtube videos, I will say that the information is not verified by me. The second video is easy enough to verify what the people said, but I do not know for certain how big the sample was. Either way, they bring home this point.

What Do Barack Obama Voters Know?

These also show how bad the media was and how critical the media's role was in this or any election.

I don't particularly want to drag this out .... but this makes me think of Jay Leno and his pieces that he does - especially the Jay Walk all stars.

It's a good question about the media - and the impact it has. With Mr Leno's pieces - that I find quite entertaining, how many people don't make it to air (because they actually know the correct answers)? There was a piece where he was asking how many people knew the name of the national anthem - and the first line. They showed quite a few people with very wrong answers. How many actually had the correct answer? Of course they don't mention that.

As far as the you tube pieces go - I bet you could do the opposite and find a similar result.

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