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Section 60 - HBO Documentary About Arlington Cemetery

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I haven't seen any previous discussion about this so thought I'd mention. I just watched Section 60 on HBO. It is a documentary about Section 60 in Arlington National Cemetery. This area is reserved for those soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. Check out the website -

The documentary was devastating to watch (I'll admit my eyes were watering through much of it). The documentary does not have any narration and no apparent pro- or anti-war agenda. The documentary doesn't even focus on the soldiers themselves. It's sole focus is on the people and families that come to visit their friends and relations and their obvious grief.

In the spirit of the documentary I really don't want this forum to become a political discussion about everyone's views about the current war. I just hope everyone finds the time to watch it and to remember to honor our troops and their families and friends as we approach Veterans Day.


Edited by Medibart

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No politicking from me.

I haven't seen the documentary, but I will echo your call for all who come here to remember and honor those who have served this country.

God bless America and all her veterans

To any and all vets out there

Thank You


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I've seen bits and pieces of this documentary and it really show those who are left behind!!

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