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Heritage Hills Security/EMS

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Command Security

Heritage Hills of Westchester

Somers, NY








Photos taken by: RWC130

Heritage Hills of Westchester in Somers, NY is a large condominium

community that is home to approximately 6,000 residents

Command Security Corporation is contracted by Heritage Hills

for Security and Emergency Medical Response. All Security Officers and Supervisors

on patrol are certified New York State EMT's.

Security Vehicles aka "EMT Fly Cars" are SUV's equipped with

Medical Gear such as:

- BLS Bag w/ Oxygen, Trauma & Airway Management

- Lifepak 500 AED

- Suction Unit

- Short Board w/ Straps

- Cervical Collars

- Splint Kit

- Infection Control Bag

- Pediatric Bag

- Spare O2 Bottle

Security Vehicles also have the following Safety Equipment:

- Flashlight

- Flares

- Traffic Safety Vest

- Traffic Cones

- ABC Fire Extinguisher

- Jumper Cables

- Blanket

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looks like a well equiped vehicle. Does CSC corp need to have an agency code to provide EMS services like this? I am also a little torn about if I like the idea of security having red lights on their vehicles as they may getthe urge to "play cop". I feel that I should state that I worked for CSC for 4 years out of the Poughkeepsie office and was a Sgt. when I left the company. I am well aware of the level of training that security officers recieve and if the vehicles are on public road I don't think I am comfertable with the red lights. then again I think that comercial EMS should be required to train all drivers in EVOC since this is the most dangerous part of the job.

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Is there a commercial EMS agency that doesn't provide EVOC or CEVO out there? If there is, they are really behind the times.

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Does this unit has a County DES plate number? How can it have red lights, I thought that red lights were for licensed emergency apparatus only, how can a security company have a licensed emergency vehicle?

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Does this unit has a County DES plate number? How can it have red lights, I thought that red lights were for licensed emergency apparatus only, how can a security company have a licensed emergency vehicle?

I don't know what a county DES plate is, but I most certainly don't see NYS certification stickers on this flycar. My guess would be that you can probably do pretty much whatever you want on private roads. If this vehicle leaves the community, I would think it would be required to cover the red lights.

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Who cares what color lights it has, The main thing is it provides Medical Response quickly to the residents of Heritage Hills. More places should do this.

Edited by fac911

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I don't know what a county DES plate is, but I most certainly don't see NYS certification stickers on this flycar. My guess would be that you can probably do pretty much whatever you want on private roads. If this vehicle leaves the community, I would think it would be required to cover the red lights.

Plate number refers to the unit designation as well as the department assigned to.

If you google westchester county fire apparatus, the county list of department unit designations refers to these titles as plate numbers. Therefore, Armonks Tanker 9 county plate number/designation is Tanker 9, the plate is assigned to Armonk. Same is for YVACs 86B1. County plate number 86B1 is assigned to YVAC.

Ever seen those little red plates on some apparatus that say the unit number, that is the plate.

Edited by bvfdjc316

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I most certainly don't see NYS certification stickers on this flycar. My guess would be that you can probably do pretty much whatever you want on private roads. If this vehicle leaves the community, I would think it would be required to cover the red lights.

When I outfitted the BLS flycar for Staatsburg Fire Dept. NYS EMS stated that they do not certify BLS flycars only ALS units. Acording t NYS these vehicles are "first responce units"

I realy like the idea of having EMS on site in a community like this. What was the reasoning behind this? Is this a "Adult Comunity"?

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Who cares what color lights it has, The main thing is it provides Medical Response quickly to the residents of Heritage Hills. More places should do this.

I care since I worked for the company that owns this vehicle for 4 years and know the level of training that NYS gives to security officers. Alot of security officers unfortunitly are "Wanabe" cops. if they have red lights the would abuse them. one of Command securitys cars in Poughkeepsie had red lights from a previous contract and one of the senior supervisor's got into trouble when he pulled a car over that cut him off that ended up being driven by a police officer.

You and I have a better chance of knowing what this vehicle is but the public already has enough trouble telling who the real plice officers.

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What's up with the old wooden short board? :huh:

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What's up with the old wooden short board? :huh:

Wannabe body bunker :lol:

Edited by x129K

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Well. The pictures were nice at least. Thanks for posting.

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Nice vehicle, it is about time they got a vehicle that can actually get up the hills in the winter, I remembr CSC using Chevy Caprices for security, and had issues getting to the calls..

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How are they dispatched to an EMS call?

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Who cares what color lights it has, The main thing is it provides Medical Response quickly to the residents of Heritage Hills. More places should do this.

Big second... I don't understand why people get so hung up on this crap. It's a car, to get the EMT to a sick person quickly. If lights and siren make that work better, so be it. Jeez, it's not like they bought a helicopter.

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Ahh, another post about lights, what a surprise :rolleyes: !, careful...Heritage Air-1 anybody? But the question would be, would this helo have red lights lol?

I know a little about Heritage Security from when i worked as a dispatcher for Somers FD. I know that they are a great asset to Heritage Hills, as it is a vast community of mostly elderly residents. There are medical calls there on the regular, as well as AFA's and a few fires. The personnel there are all EMT's, have security training and have other basic essential training. They were great 1st response and would often ride in calls when Somers couldnt raise an EMT.

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If I remember correctly from the days I used to interact with HH Security, they do (or at least did) have a NYS Agency code as a first responder agency. This would be no different than any other fire department that is a first responder.

Also, they could get away with the red lights if they are Part 800 equipped and they operate on private property.

Just because they are a NYS agency they do not need a county fire designation as they are not recognized by Westchester County DES mostly because they only operate on Heritage Hills property and do not respond to calls off the property. The only exception to this would be if a Heritage Hills EMT is riding on Somers ambulance while returning from the hospital, the ambulance can respond while using their EMT. This is at least the way it used to be. I can not confirm that this is the way it still is.

Edited by TRUCK6018

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HH Security does not have an agency code any more, beacuse NYS pulled all BLS agency codes like playland. Security at HH has its own dispatcher for when residents call secruity. If some one in heritage calls 911 it goes to state police. Somers Fire has A radio on the console to talk to security. most if not all guards are with other Fire or EMS departments. Both road officers are EMT's and there is one desk officer who does not need to be an EMT. as for the red lights they are not to be used unless there going to a call in heritage. All the patrol cars have a GPS system in them and it is recorded so shift supervisors can go back and see what the cars were doing on the over nights.

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How are they dispatched to an EMS call?

They have pagers issued by Somers FD. and are also dispateched by Somers FD. As for the red lights. The security team does act at the police sometimes. They are called first by the residents and then the radio officer is the one that calls NYSP. They are also on the location of the call with 2-3 min's, which we all know can mean the diffrence between life and death, and that old people drive at 5mph While I was there we would avg about 10 CPR saves a month (Haritage Hills is also known as Heart Attack Hills). I think that the red light are a good thing for them and as long as they are monitored and mature about it they should be fine.

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Wow. Some really good posts which yet again all sparked on lights. Maybe that is the secret, we'll all put "lights...lights...lights" in the titles and the text and then we'll get some postings on acutal serious topics.

I find it odd how some of you have issues with them having red lights and being a security vehicle, particularly when I see so many POV's from FD's and VAC's with lights and sirens in them all in the name of deputy chiefs and VAC line officers. Maybe they should get a BLS transport CON so they can get an agency code and then call the vehicle a "BLS flycar." :rolleyes:

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I would like to know how can someone get a job there. I heard that they pay very well?

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I'm glad they didnt put blue lights on them we would never here the end of it :lol:

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I don't know what the rules are, but it's common for private fire brigades to use red lights, for example IBM Emergency Control. Vassar College EMS uses green lights on their response vehicle.

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Alsfirefighter, as always thats a great idea bro :lol::rolleyes: ! Topics on lights get alot of attention and response, topics that have nothing to do with lights turn into light topics.

As far as HH Security goes, although i already spoke of them, i think that they are a great asset to that particular community. I know that its a huge complex ans was still growing when i left Somers FD like 7 years ago. It can be very confusing and can be quite busy. I loved having HH Security just a radio click away. Anytime i had a call there, i just picked up the HH radio, let them know what was up and i would have an update in a few short minutes. I could get an EMT to a medical emergency almost immediately after receiving an emergency call. They could in turn start patient care and give me patient updates that i could relay to responding units.

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All of the security officers on the road are EMT's a few are from Somers FD and most of them are involved in VAC's and FD's in the area. They really are a great resource. They get on scene quick and they are all highly trained and experienced. HH is a large portion of Somers EMS calls its not uncommon to go there at least 8 times a week. The bottom line is that they are very proffessional and they get the job done. Many saves have been attributed to them getting to the scene quickly.

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Sorry for the double post. Heritage Hills now uses Somers FD agency code I believe.

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Whats next, the decals?

In re gps system, dont like that ideal. Its to intrusive, and you have to constantly worry.....big brothers looking over your shoulder......Thats not the way to work.

I think what other are trying to say is that security officers would likly abuse it?

What's intrusive about it? If you do your job there is no worry! You're on their dime not your own time. It's the one's that slack off that should be worried. If you slack off you shouldn't be getting paid anyway.

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I almost regret posting the pics of the Heritage Hills Security vehicle,

I am asking myself if I should lock or delete this whole thread?

I respect everyone's comments and questions but c'mon guys!

I posted the photos so that our members of EMTBravo could enjoy taking a look at them.

I did not want this to become a topic of RED LIGHTS and if Heritage Hills can or cannot have them.

A little off topic but I have seen H.E.L.P. Trucks with Amber and Red/Blue Lights,

the Salvation Army Canteen Truck has Red Lights! Code 3 for the Chicken Soup?

Heritage Hills Security provides Life Saving Emergency Medical Response.

A few EMTBravo members with "Accurate Information" of CSC Heritage Hills have answered

some questions/concerns, for that THANK YOU guys!

Now I will add a little to that....


1st. Yes, it's Private Property! Large signs are posted at every entrance.

"Private Property, No Thru Traffic" ALL of the roads are maintained and plowed privately.

Command Security has a very strict policy on use of the RED LIGHTS.

They are to be used for a Medical Emergency!

Just like this thread when Heritage Hills went from Amber Lights to RED LIGHTS

some people questioned, complained, cried, etc.

Even though Heritage Hills is in fact ALL Private Property at one of our intersections we do cross a town road

which is Warren Street that devides the East Hill and the West Hill.

NOTE! CSC Heritage Hills has been AUTHORIZED by the Town of Somers to use the RED LIGHTS due to the nature

of what we do, responding to 911 Medical Emergencies.

Heritage Hills Security/EMT's are 911 Dispatched by Somers Fire, on occasion State Police.

As mentioned the Patrol staff at Heritage Hills are all EMT's, even one Paramedic.

Most are also Volunteer Firefighters in area FD's.

The staff at Heritage Hills has a great working relationship with

Somers Fire, Somers Police, New York State Police, and Westchester EMS.

Command Security was the very first Security Company in the State of New York

to institute a Cardiac Defibrillation program (AED) at Heritage Hills.

Heritage Hills EMT/BLS First Responder program has been in place for well over 20 YEARS!

This is for my pal EMS-BUFF!

As far as employment with CSC Heritage Hills:

Always looking for experienced EMT's! It's a great part time job.

You can call 914-276-2592 and ask for Dave or Cindy.

EMT's are paid $13.76 HR :D

You will need to become a NYS Registered Security Guard,

pass a full Background Check, Fingerprints, and Drug Test.

Oh, one last thing..... "Heritage Hills Air 1"

STAT Flight has landed at Heritage Hills a couple of times.

I'm glad they didnt put blue lights on them we would never here the end of it


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