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Rear Facing Blue Lights For Fire & EMS Apparatus-Law Passed Yet?

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Not for nothing but wasn't Trooper Ambrose killed by a drunk driver? What good are blue lights, red lights, white lights, or even olive green lights if the jackass behind the wheel is drunk. In study after study amber lights are found to be effective in all types of weather with conscious and alert drivers. The only devices shown to impact impaired drivers are rumble strips or chevrons, and chevrons an an example of implied affect. Drivers have been proven to steer to where they look. Flashing lights cause cause people to focus on the source. Chevrons draw a persons vision from high point to low point. ^ gets eyes to the side and v gets eyes to the middle.

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I have been working with Assemblyman Greg Ball to have this law changed to apply to ALL emergency vehicles. The FASNY lobbist in Albany has been fighting this change. I think it is time that FASNY puts scene safety first.

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I have been working with Assemblyman Greg Ball to have this law changed to apply to ALL emergency vehicles. The FASNY lobbist in Albany has been fighting this change. I think it is time that FASNY puts scene safety first.

Write to FASNY and give them your opinion. If they don't hear from enough members, they'll assume that no one objects to what they're doing and continue to go down the path they are currently following.

Edited by gamewell45

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Very informative and interesting posts. Now, can any of you explain why, last week at 5pm, a local vollie/first responder, racing to a call in Briarcliff, had blue AND red flashing lights in his grill and on his dash? Dark blue blazer or suburban with the double rear doors that swing outward. I noticed him because he crossed over a double yellow line into my vehicle's path. I saw those flashing lights at a much closer range than I would have preferred.

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There is no logical explanation. The individual who you observed was in violation of NYS V&T Law S~375. Equipment, 41.2, in as much as his/her vehicle is NOT an authorized emergency vehicle, and thus not permitted to display red lights.

Some individuals may occasionally go overboard, and if observed, should be dealt with accordingly.

If you should choose to pursue this, you may Contact the Briarcliff Manor Fire Chief at the Chief's Office: 914-941-0879, or Email:

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Weird- I was just typing my response and the fast reply box disappeared, along with my response!

Anyway, thanks, Jack. I'm honestly not sure yet how to proceed. I'm certainly not looking to jam up anyone. That night, I did pull up to a Bcliff PO on the street, and asked if there had been a call and he confirmed there had been one less than 5 minutes prior. I explained my concern about blue SUV's with flicking lights because just before and immed after the armed robbery on the NB Taconic a few months ago, I saw a blue SUV with a single blue light flicking away through town, bullying cars out of his way (though there were NO other blue lights responding to anything both times). Driver even fit the same description. I also explained to him the truck I'd just seen and where I'd seen it and he dismissively said "oh, that's my friend." and walked away from me to resume a conversation I had apparently interrupted.

Could the truck with all of the lights have been another police officer? A vollie but also a PO in an unmarked vehicle might explain all the lights and the street officer defending him.

For the record, I don't really care either way. He didn't hit me so there's no fight for me.

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Very informative and interesting posts. Now, can any of you explain why, last week at 5pm, a local vollie/first responder, racing to a call in Briarcliff, had blue AND red flashing lights in his grill and on his dash? Dark blue blazer or suburban with the double rear doors that swing outward. I noticed him because he crossed over a double yellow line into my vehicle's path. I saw those flashing lights at a much closer range than I would have preferred.

You sure it was a vollie? perhaps secret service? Afterall you have a former President living nearby.

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Secret Svc is certainly a plausible explanation. No, I'm not sure it was a vollie- that's why I asked the officer in town if there had been a call recently. Not only did he confirm the call but he seemed to know who I was referring to by the description of the SUV. I even caught the first 3 letters of the license plate- I reeeally saw this vehicle up close and personal.

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