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Yonkers- 2nd Alarm+Special Calls 1-5-05

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Date: 1-5-05

Time: 1428hrs (2nd Alarm)

Location: 108 Jefferson Terr. X Herriot St./Stanley Pl.


Original Call- E-303, 304, 306, 308; TL-71, L-74; R-1; B-1

Additional Eng. and Trk.- E-313, L-72

2nd Alarm- E-314, 314; L-70

Additional Eng. and Trk. - E-310, L-73

Description: (3rd Alarm + 1 truck equiv.) Fire in the walls of 7-story brick OMD.

Frequency: 484.7125

Writer: Truck4, pudge3311, GFD538, 1075thebox

1420hrs- Reports of wheel-chair bound person trapped on 1st floor.

1421hrs- E-303 10-84, nothing showing on outside.

1424hrs- B-1 reports 10-29.

1425hrs- B-1 req. additional engine and truck.

1428hrs- Car 5 req. full 2nd Alarm.

1435hrs- Car 5 reports fire in walls on multiple floors. Multiple lines off standpipes, all co's working.

1439hrs- Car 5 rpts. E-314 will be FAST, Co's can stage at Riverdale and Herriot.

1444hrs- E-310 to relocate Sta. 1

1449hrs- 4 L/S/O, L-70, 72 opening up roof.

1456hrs- Car 80 req. additinal Eng. and Trk. to report to front of building with masks and tools.

1501hrs- Fire was in the walls from the 2nd to the 7th floors of 7-story OMD. Fire is K/D on floors 2-6. Still have fire on 7th floor. B-1 is on 7th floor with co's checking for horizontal extension. Co's continue to open up cockloft.

1503hrs- Car 3 req. M/A (2) ladder co's into city (for Sta. 12 and Sta. 1).

1508hrs- M/A Greenville L-4 to Sta. 12, New Rochelle E-22 and L-12 to cover Sta. 1.

1518hrs- CMD reports fire is K/D.

1606hrs- L-79, E-317 in service, responding to scene.

1642hrs- Holding E-315, 317, L-79; all other units 10-8.

****Spares in service***

TL-71 using TL-77

E-310 using E-316

L-73 using L-78

E-311 using spare

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