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Croton- Chemical Spill 10-15-08

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Date: 10/15/08

Time: 2130hrs approx.

Location: Building #6 Harmon Shops- Metro North

Frequency: 46.26, Fire 10

Units Operating: 2083, E119, E120, R18 CEMS 55B2 and 55B1(standby only)

Description Of Incident: chemical spill with 1 patient


60 Control dispatched Croton FD and EMS to Building #6 for a chemical spill with a patient involved. County Control advising Metro North stating patient is deconned and spill has been mitigated.

2083 on scene investigating unknown chemical spill.

Request E119/120 crews with SCBA

55B2 handling patient care and 36M1 on scene. 55B1 standing by in quarters with a crew.

2083 requesting info on Fire 10 from county control inreference to product. Product #0366.

info-cleaning solvent

2083 advises situation under control, all CFD units in the process of picking up, patient in care of CEMS. request MTA Fire Chief to respond to incident.

2642, 2643 enroute

2083 releasing all CFD units at 2204hrs.

CEMS 55B2 transporting 1patient BLS to PMH.

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