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Are our problems really that bad ......

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Fairly recently came across the Fire Geezer blog - a lot of good info.

3 Alarms = 8 Firefighters (How’s that again?)

THE EAST LIVERPOOL, OHIO, CITY COUNCIL held its weekly meeting Monday night and heard a variety of tales about a recent house fire.

Makes the issues we have here about staffing seem pretty small in comparison.

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Wow, those are some very subjective views being touted as fact. Doesn't it bother the Chief that his third alarm only netted 8 people to fight the fire?

All this controversy over career/volunteer and yet many departments that are on either side of the debate can't staff properly (by properly I mean in accordance with NFPA or ISO) and won't meet in the middle to resolve the problem for the benefit of the customers!

It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

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Fairly recently came across the Fire Geezer blog - a lot of good info.

Makes the issues we have here about staffing seem pretty small in comparison.

Small in comparison? Didn't something like this just happen in Stamford over the weekend? 3 Volunteers with a chief too inept to call for the proper mutual aid which resulted in a total loss despite the efforts of those o/s?

Trust me, this is happening in our area and its going to happen in Westchester one of these days.

Edited by Goose

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Sadly, it is not that unrealistic. I can think of two paid departments within 7 minutes of my house that get 11 and roughly 12-14 at a working fire and that's with the entire department on the scene.

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I see what everyone is concerned about, as far as response times. But what is wrong with career staffing on the initial response with a tone out for volunteer back up as soon as the career rig calls en route? By the time the career rig gets on scene and stretches the initial attack line there should hopefully be volunteers there with additional rigs and manpower. I know that Part Time paid-per-call departments work well, if they offer pay for response to calls you can get more of the PT staff to respond and back up the career crews.

Eight FF's for 3 alarms? Is there a FAST in place? You have to account for MPO's and officers, so who is fighting the fire? Its unsafe. Train the volunteers and career guys side by side, get them working together with the career guys offering knowledge to the volunteers so they are on the same page. It is possible that we can all work together.

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I see what everyone is concerned about, as far as response times. But what is wrong with career staffing on the initial response with a tone out for volunteer back up as soon as the career rig calls en route? By the time the career rig gets on scene and stretches the initial attack line there should hopefully be volunteers there with additional rigs and manpower.

This is exactly how our Combo FD works. Any reported structure fire or Box in high hazard occupancies is a full FD report call. Our personnel mostly report to the station, and this initial alarm (First Alarm here) also call in all off duty (OT Baby!!) Would I rather have an larger all career staff? Sure, not because I don't trust our like our POC crew but I'll take a crew that works together day after day anytime for their ability to work without the same amount of direction. But, alas that's not close to a reality, so we use our POC and off duty personnel quite a bit.

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