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Mohegan PIAA Follow-up

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The car struck a pole outside Hillside Memorials, across from Old Van Cortlandtville Cemetery, around 3:10 p.m. The driver was taken by STAT Flight helicopter to nearby Hudson Valley Hospital Center. His condition was not immediately available, though a witness said he appeared conscious as he was removed from the vehicle.

Anyone from Mohegan confirm this? Medevac'd from Oregon Rd to HVHC? Or is this another Journal News banner job?

If it is true, bad weather? Unstable airway? ...?

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The Patient went into traumatic arrest as the ambulance met with the Medevac. The flight nurse then went into the ambulance and the helicopter met them at HVHC. The patient was then revived then flown to Westchester Medical Center from Hudson Valley.

Edited by prucha25

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I know the driver was deffinatley Stat Flighted from a church Parking lot to a hospital unsure of which one.

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The LZ was setup to transport to WMC but when the patient coded at the LZ, the patient was then transported by ground (69B3/35Medic1/STAT Flight nurse) from the LZ (St Columbanus church) to HVHC. The patient was then flown to Westchester Medical Center after being revived and stabilized at HVHC. STAT Flight responded to HVHC to pick up the flight nurse while the ground unit transported the patient.

Edited by CG206

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After being transported by ground (69B3/35Medic1/STAT Flight nurse) from the LZ (St Columbanus church) to HVHC, the patient was flown to Westchester Medical Center after being revived and stabilized at HVHC

Sounds like good work.

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I know the driver was deffinatley Stat Flighted from a church Parking lot to a hospital unsure of which one.

These are the comments that you have to be cautious of when reading threads concerning calls and such and ones that make me cringe particularly when some post law enforcement topics for whatever reason I don't know.

The patient wasn't "definately" flown out from a church parking lot. The helo was empty.

Good job by by all and particularly the on scene ALS providers and also the Flight nurse who also works at WMC and HVHC for a good coordinated treatment effort.

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Excellent call ALS since they were definitely sure with 2 f's......

I am kind of surprised that the flight nurse jumped in to help on the ambulance to HVHC, but KUDOS to whoever that was. Sounded like a bad accident and a good job by everyone involved. Patient ultimately got to where he needed to go due to quick thinking and his survival chances were well improved by the split second decision.

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I am kind of surprised that the flight nurse jumped in to help on the ambulance to HVHC, but KUDOS to whoever that was. Sounded like a bad accident and a good job by everyone involved. Patient ultimately got to where he needed to go due to quick thinking and his survival chances were well improved by the split second decision.

Actually it's quite common for the crew, if on scene, to ride the call into the hospital with the local crew. The helicopter then picks up the crew at the hospital.

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