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Indian Point - Emergency Center outside Evacuation Zone

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Indian Point to create emergency center outside evacuation zone

By Greg Clary

The Journal News • October 1, 2008

BUCHANAN - Indian Point officials promised yesterday to build an emergency operations center outside the nuclear plant's 10-mile evacuation zone, a move welcomed by local officials.

The location and the cost of the new emergency center have yet to be determined, said Jim Steets,

a spokesman for Entergy Nuclear, which owns Indian Point.

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That would make sense to me. Why wasn't this done earlier?

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Why can't the existing county EOC be used? It is up, running and outside the 10 mile radius. If Entergy has money to spend have them enter into an IMA and split the costs or offer to donate/ reimburse/ pay the county a fee. Why duplicate another facility???

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Why can't the existing county EOC be used? It is up, running and outside the 10 mile radius. If Entergy has money to spend have them enter into an IMA and split the costs or offer to donate/ reimburse/ pay the county a fee. Why duplicate another facility???

More then likely for the same reason they can't use their existing facility as an upgrade for whatever it is they feel they need equipment If anything perhaps they are going to look to put it well outside the 10 mile radius...if you get a good release depending on the wind..the county EOC might not be the best place either.

Also I don't look at it as duplication. The County EOC is for County Operational needs for all hazards if needed, not just for the plant. The Entergy facility would be dedicated solely to their operations.

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