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Once Again, Driver blames his GPS for crash with Metro-North train in Bedford Hills

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This is the second time this has happened this year at this exact same intersection..................

Driver blames his GPS for crash with Metro-North train in Bedford Hills

By Yaron Steinbuch • and Hoa Nguyen • September 29, 2008

BEDFORD HILLS - In a case of deja vu at an accident-prone grade crossing, a driver blamed his GPS tonight for an accident in which a northbound Metro-North Railroad train struck his stuck car on the tracks at Green Lane - stranding the passengers for more than an hour and a half.


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You'd have to have some level of common sense, I mean how hard is it to identify that they are train tracks. Normally gates and a track grade are usually a good way to gauge whether or not your on a track ;)

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Someone refresh my memory, but aren't there gates and signals at the aforementioned crossing?? Or at least signs??

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Oh yes there are. I can not believe that another individual from the shallow end of the gene pool did something like this again!!!!!!

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"Hunny, what are those RED FLASHING lights and how come

this road is so bumpy"

Booom, Booom, Booom.....

As they drive down the R/R Tracks

GPS unit: "When possible make a legal U-Turn a TRAIN is coming"


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Moron.............. get rid of the GPS and learn how to read a map!

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I don't know but my GPS tells me to turn right, I look at it and says I have another 200 yards to go. I don't just turn my wheel. A little brian power.

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Blame the GPS.

Blame the car.

Blame the map.

Blame the RR.

Blame the train.

Blame the car manufacturer.

Blame the Town.

Blame everyone but the guy driving the freakin' car!!! What a moron!!!

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Unfortunately this has happened twice. Someone aught to do something before it happens again. If it happens a 3rd time the MTA might as well take responsibility! I understand people are idiots but maybe, just maybe they need to idiot proof this crossing a bit! Like additional lighting, signage, or something that might wake these people up. Forbid that it is worse next time and people get killed on the train!

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If you ask me they should just eliminate this crossing and entrance/exit from the Saw Mill altogether. You can get on a mile up or down the road at Kisco ave or Route 117/Bedford Road. This is the same crossing where the truck got off, hit the grade and got stuck, causing the train crash some years ago. Luckily nobody was killed then either, but are we gonna wait until someone is before doing anything?

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If you ask me they should just eliminate this crossing and entrance/exit from the Saw Mill altogether. You can get on a mile up or down the road at Kisco ave or Route 117/Bedford Road. This is the same crossing where the truck got off, hit the grade and got stuck, causing the train crash some years ago. Luckily nobody was killed then either, but are we gonna wait until someone is before doing anything?

They should get rid of that exit and entrance. It only helps if your going north and can only get off northbound on the saw mill. I have seen some new signs there last time I got off but I guess they haven't help.... now its only a matter of time before something worse happens there.

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I like the sign. I hope it's 25 FT by 25 FT

or I can just see it now....

"This street called R/R TRACKS has no damn street lights

and it so bumpy"


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my GPS actually told me to turn down a runway one time...BUT I DIDN'T DO IT!!!!!

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Wow, just plain dumb. Im glad this guy was not hurt, More so anybody on the train.

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