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Katonah- Quint?

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I've heard that Katonah FD has ordered a Quint- can anyone elaborate on this?

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I've heard that Katonah FD has ordered a Quint- can anyone elaborate on this?

Seth I can......a quint is a rig that carries a pump, water, hose, ladders and an ariel device. But you already knew that.

Sorry I had to do it :P

And my personnal opinion:

A quint can be a good engine but a poor truck (not enough ladders and truck tools)

A quint can be a good truck but a poor engine (not enough water and/or hose)

A quint can be a poor engine and a poor truck (not enough of all of the above)

or a good truck and a good engine, but then its way to big to get down the streets, particularly in the northeast.

And almost never enough personnel to do the job of an engine and a truck

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I just asked one of the KFD members the other day this exact question, and he said they were still looking around.

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I agree with your point, Barry. Depending on the community.

A quint, especially for a community such as Katonah, would work well. Coming from a department that succesfully used a Quint (Ardsley Quint 1, now Ladder 50), I can recall numerous occasions where both the aerial and handlines were deployed succesfully. Quint 1 was first due, and usually rode with all positions filled (Driver, Officer, 4 FF's). It is a single axle 75', with rear outriggers only that could be deployed fast. The aerial and waterway could be controlled from the pump panel. It carried plenty of supply and attack hose, and a full compliment of engine and truck tools. It had a very short wheelbase that could fit down some windy Ardsley streets. When a Quint is spec'd and used like Ardsley does it, then a Quint is a valuable tool in many situations, especially volunteer and rural departments.

Down here, a Quint is what it's all about it seems, due to logistics. The City Of Austin does it smart, they staff their Quint companies with 6 people. The City Of Round Rock uses this Pierce Dash 75' Quint, which I think is similar to what Katonah is looking for......


(Photo By me)

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Barry you beat me to it!!!! LOL

If Katonah get a quint, hopefully they'll spec out a good truck for their needs. Good luck guys!

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Aggghhh! Blue lights belong on a police car!

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I can and will say NO we did not order a quint

Thanks Jim!

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I see they (Q3)have their "Hi-Vis" gear for the driver and officer handy.

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