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Another Black Eye - Derby CT FF's Charged with Arson

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3 Valley firefighters charged with arson


Staff writer

Article Last Updated: 09/27/2008 12:56:08 AM EDT

DERBY -- Three Valley volunteer firefighters, one a juvenile, were charged Friday in connection with eight arsons between January and March, and may face more counts for allegedly setting fires in Ansonia.

No one was injured in any of the incidents in which pallets or Dumpsters, and one new, unoccupied house were set on fire. One of the Dumpsters was near the Derby Little League field, police Lt. Justin Stanko said Friday night. The firefighters would then respond to those fires, police said.

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To the Firefighters of the departments named in the 2 actions:

I'm sorry this has been brought upon your companies by these people. If found guilty, they should be put away a long time for violating the public's trust.

You and the firemen who are left need to continue to hold your heads high. You weren't involved, and I believe most people will see that. For the others who have lost their confidence in your company, just show them you're still the same folks they relied upon by doing the same quality job each and every time.


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From what I'm hearing, one of the morons, I think the one mentioned in the second article, is a UNH student, so we have a black eye for our school as well as firefighters in our area. Throw the book at 'em.

Edited by SageVigiles

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i couldn't believe it when i heard previously the other members, keep your heads high.

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Definitely, Derby is a pretty good department, these jerkoffs are no representation of the hardworking guys of Hotchkiss, etc.

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I am a member of a different company (storms #2) but I knew these kids.. they were under suspicion for awhile, lied to everyone, made the whole dept look bad, and Put every member who responded to these calls in danger. One of the idiots even has a photos of him operating at one of the fires he set on his facebook page... there was weird feeling around the firehouse the day this story hit the news..

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Having started in a Department that faced this situation I can tell you this...The dedicated FF in Derby (some of whom I know and all of whom I respect) will get through this OK, and will be better off for having dealt with it.

Are there lessons to be learned, of I'm sure they will be.

The 3 in question followed the standard pattern of arsonist FFs..starting small and as that thrill wore off setting larger and more destructive fires...all the while playing the first in "heroes". That their spree was relatively short lived is a credit to the FMs of both Derby and Ansonia. Job well done guys !!

The only other point is this; If you suspect that a member or members of your department are engaged in arsons or exhibit the signs don't hesitate to voice your concerns to the proper authority. Better to be wrong, than to allow an arsonist any opportunity for destruction. And never be so arrogant as to believe "it can't happen here"


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