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East Fishkill (Dutchess) Rollover w/Multiple Injuries

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Date: 9-12-08

Time: 2213hrs

Location: IAO 49 Healy Lane, Cross streets of Mountain Top Road, and Stormville Mountain Road

Frequency: 453.900 (Dispatch Ch. 1), 453.925 (Response Ch. 2), 453.800 (Command Ch. 3), 453.625 (F/G 9/10)

Units Operating: 39-2, 39-52, 39-71, 39-72

Description Of Incident: Initial Dispatch for Rollover MVA w/Entrapment, and 8 patients

Writer: xfirefighter484x

2218hrs - DC911 to 39-72 are you responding? -72 is driver alone, please go 2nd dispatch for an EMT.

2219hrs - DC911, 2nd dispatch to EFFD, 39-72 driver alone, Rollover MVA w/injuries, IAO 49 Healy Lane, all occupants reported to be out of the vehicle

2245hrs - DC911 2nd dispatch for -72 to now respond to the MVA with injuries, per command -72 can respond in driver alone.

2220hrs - 39-52 O/S

2220hrs - MLSS 266 O/S

2225hrs - EFFD Command to DC911, have 39-72, remain in quarters, securing RMAs

2238hrs - EFFD command to DC911, have 39-72 respond in to the scene, DC911 dispatching due to 39-72 not answering on Response Channel

2248hrs - DC911 to EFFD 39-72, 2nd dispatch to respond to the MVA with injuries, per command, you can respond in driver alone.

2250hrs - EF command, no response out of 39-72, please dispatch another BLS ambulance

2252hrs - DC911 to MLSS, another ambulance is requested to the MVA with injuries

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