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Sad 7th Anniversary Coming up 9/11/08

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Never forget all who perished that day at the hands of those fanatical murderers..but for us especially the 343.

As I write this I have on the TV a National Geographic show about 9/11. As the clip if the second plane hitting the South Tower was shown I got the same horrible, disbelieveing, sinking feeling I got that day watching it live. It was like watching a movie, but I knew I wasn't, and I remember it took a few seconds to actually process what I just saw. It is as vivid today seven years later as it was then, and just as heartwrenching. I will never forget that day as long as I live. Nor will I ever forget the sacrifices of ALL on that day in New York, Washington and Shanksville. May God care for the souls of the lost, comfort their grieving relatives and friends, and protect those who continue to serve.

God Bless America

Never forget 9/11


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