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Guest mahopacfire2003

Engine 260 Muster

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Well its that time of year again. The annual Engine 260 muster is coming up on September 6th, 2008. The day includes a parade of all the apparatus both old and new( Vehicles used to transport people there such and chief cars, ect.) to the muster field. Followed by judging of the apparatus, games, raffles, and of course the flea market. All in all its one big day of fun for those who injoy what they do. So the big question, who's going and what vehicle are you bringing?

Mahopac will be attening as always with some one the best people you could hang out with which makes a day like that even better or as we say " it makes the comradery".....not sure what truck we are bringing yet?


Edited by mahopacfire2003

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