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Job satisfaction

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Just was on yahoo and saw a survey about job satisfaction.

Number 1 - Clergy with 87% polled saying they were very satisfied with and happy in their jobs

number 2 guessed it..Firefighters at 80%.

It turns out at least by this poll that those whose careers are about helping others are happier and much more satisfied with their jobs.

I've been paid to fight fires ect. and am definitely one of that 80%, but as a volunteer I can honestly say that joining the fire service is one of THE BEST choices I've ever made. I am fairly certain that saisifaction in terms of simply being a firefighter regardless of status ranks way way up on any scale.

Anybody wish they'd taken a different road?


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Just was on yahoo and saw a survey about job satisfaction.

Number 1 - Clergy with 87% polled saying they were very satisfied with and happy in their jobs

number 2 guessed it..Firefighters at 80%.

It turns out at least by this poll that those whose careers are about helping others are happier and much more satisfied with their jobs.

I've been paid to fight fires ect. and am definitely one of that 80%, but as a volunteer I can honestly say that joining the fire service is one of THE BEST choices I've ever made. I am fairly certain that saisifaction in terms of simply being a firefighter regardless of status ranks way way up on any scale.

Anybody wish they'd taken a different road?


I know alot of guys that wish they had chosen a different Dept., but not so much a different road. It depends on who you work for. Some Depts. and municipalities can really take the wind out of your sail!

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I personally could not be any luckier in my life!This is the best and those who make it a point to be miserable should go and find something else to do and let someone else have the great opportunity many of us have!

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Same here, I got tired being a dispatcher and tried my hardest to get on the job for a few years. Growing up with a family that was involved with both volunteer and career departments, I knew that is what I would love to do as a full-time job. Though I wish that I got onto a department closer to home and wish the general BS that happens would end, I'm still happy I made the choice in taking the offer and becoming part of the MPFD.

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I think i got the best of both worlds; i have a job (non-firematic) that i still look forward to going to after 30 years, pays good money, benefits, great working conditions and i get to volunteer on the side and if i'm late to work because of it, they don't dock me for being late. It doesn't get any better then that.

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I had a very decent career going but was absolutely miserable. I took a massive pay cut just to get the ball rolling on an emergency services career. Never been happier, even with the change of income. The rewards of helping people on a day to day basis cannot be figured into any dollar amount.

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I have the best TWO jobs in the world: full-time dad, part-time firefighter :D :D :D

I wish I'd had a chance to do the firefighting years ago - I'm loving it, if I was ten years younger I'd think seriously about going for a career position. Missed that boat though...


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Well said FirNaTine! I like the road I'm on......let's just say some of the surroundings need some urban renewel.

Best job on the face of the earth and I'm proud that I am one of the priviledged few that get to call this my profession.

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