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Beacon Structure Fire, 914 Wolcott Av, 8/19/08

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Date: August 19, 2008

Time: 13:21

Location: 914 Wolcott Av

Frequency: 453.900, 453.925, 453.800, 453.050

Units Operating: City of Beacon 33-11, 33-12, 33-55, 33-13, Rombout 62-45, Glenham 43-11, Fishkill 42-12 / FAST team, Wappinger's 68-45, Beacon Vol Amb 82-72, CC17

Description Of Incident: Fire on the #2 floor of a 20 x 40 2 story wood frame residential structure


13:21 City of Beacon 33-11 responding with 33-55 for heavy smoke coming from the #2 floor of a house on Wolcott Av

13:21 Same time as Beacon was calling it in on the radio, 911 was dispatching City of Beacon fire & BVAC to same location for a structure fire. 33-12 on the scene

13:22 units on the scene fire on the 2nd floor, heavy smoke showing

13:23 33-1 reports working structure fire

13:23 Rombout 62-45 dispatched (33-45 out of service)

13:27 Fishkill 42-12 FAST dispatched to the scene, Glenham 43-11 to Beacon St. 2 for stand by

13:28 62-45 responding, 33-13 manned at st. 2

13:29 43-12 relocating, 42-12 & FAST team responding

13:32 Command reports 2 story wood frame 20x 40 fully involved 2nd floor hand lines in operation negative on primary searches fire remains doubtful

911 assigned fire ground 5/6

13.:39 43-12 @ st. 2

13:42 2nd dispatch for a deputy coordinator

13:47 CC 17 enroute, Wappinger's 68:45 placed on standby in quarters

13:48 68-45 on stand by

13:55 Command reports all visible fire knocked down, secondary search is negative, fire remains doubtful

14:01 CC17 on the scene

14:29 42-12 / FAST team in service

14:34 command request Red Cross to the scene to aid 2 adults

14:38 command releases 62-45 from the scene, operating with 33-11, 33-12, 33-55

14:46 Red Cross ETA 25 min.

14:50 CC17 in service

14:59 82-72 in service

15:30 33-12 in service

16:07 command reports 43-11 released from stand by in service, 33-11 in service, 33-55 remaining on the scene

16:18 33-55 in service, 33-1 remaining with Beacon PD

16:36 command reports Red Cross on the scene, 5 people from 2 apartments being relocated. Scene turned over to PD

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