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Over the past years the C&O teams have been established here in Westchester Co. I know from years ago the DA's office of Westchester ran the show.If somebody can post here the facts on the C&O teams it would be interesting for all of us. The zones,what is available,what credentials you might need to be involved etc. Thanks Hudson

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I would definetly like to know. I have been thinking about it for a few years now and want to get involved in C&O.

Edited by DOC22

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Its slowly being taken over by PD as it should be. In Putnam a few Deputy's have been trained. It only makes sense to have a guy who is trained in keeping the continuity of evidence in command of a crime scene, not some one who is 'interested' in it.

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When I was on zone 4 we had a perfect mix 3 cops 3 firefighters actually one of us was both, I am not sure what the makeup of most of the teams are now since I have not been involved for several years. I know training wise you must have the 80 hour course minimum. AS for the chain of evidence, members are trained in that during the 80 hour course and most members go above & beyond the minimum training taking some of the other investigative courses. As for the zones and who is on the teams check the DES website it lists all 5 teams. There are 2 deputy coordinators assigned to the C&O teams, car 24 has zones 4 & 5 and car 25 has zones 1, 2 & 3. I hope this helps a little. For info on getting onto a team contact one of the deputy coordinators.

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That's a bunch chief. You wouldn't happen to know where the 80hr class is given? And what classes would you recommend that the county gives to take?

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That's a bunch chief. You wouldn't happen to know where the 80hr class is given? And what classes would you recommend that the county gives to take?

Nips you have to know what fire is before you go and investigate one lol jk but check for on the state website ofpc for classes they would give it out more then Westchester County

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