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Scrubs outside the medical setting

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Ok so I've been notice lots of people wearing scrubs all around, alot on the train, in stores etc. I looked up the definition, theoretically scrubs are to be worn in a clean enviornment. I realize that sometimes receptionists and housekeeping types wear scrubs in hospitals, but still there remains a large number of people who wear them and have patient contact. So, my question is this, in wearing these scrubs on the train (which who knows if they ever get cleaned) and wherever else, do they expose patients with compromised immune systems to unecessary risk? Or, conversely, do they expose us who sit next to them or brush up against them to the lovely diseases and pathogens that they spent the day working around? Seems like a good reason to change at work!

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Even worse then the train is at the gym were the moron uses all the equipment!

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Ok so I've been notice lots of people wearing scrubs all around, alot on the train, in stores etc. I looked up the definition, theoretically scrubs are to be worn in a clean enviornment. I realize that sometimes receptionists and housekeeping types wear scrubs in hospitals, but still there remains a large number of people who wear them and have patient contact. So, my question is this, in wearing these scrubs on the train (which who knows if they ever get cleaned) and wherever else, do they expose patients with compromised immune systems to unecessary risk? Or, conversely, do they expose us who sit next to them or brush up against them to the lovely diseases and pathogens that they spent the day working around? Seems like a good reason to change at work!

What about Fire/EMS uniforms on personnel who work EMS or at scenes? How about volunteers? How does one guarantee the clothes someone is wearing has not been exposed to some sort of infectious disease? Not to mention those persons whom have the infectious issues and ride mass transit or stand in line with you at Quiznos.

This is an interesting topic and one that our Union probably will successfully use to force the City into laundering our uniforms. I know my girlfriend works in a dentist office and her scrubs never leave the building. They change for lunch, errands and to/from work every time no exceptions.

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