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Sleepy Hollow change over to Trunk Radio Aug.'08

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Add Sleepy Hollow Fire Department to operating on 60 Fire 12 for cars and responding apparatus. Not sure if it is a trial period , but monitored them with 60 Control over the last couple of days.

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Sleepy FD and EMS run off the same frequency. does this mean SHAC is calling on 60 as well?

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Why werent they on the Trunk Radio system in the first place?

there are still fd's that choose not to use the trunking system.

for example -when you call en route on the trunking and all the needed apperatus is gone, there are still members responding to the firehouse for no reason, and that pisses off some people. whereas the old systems, members can hear apperatus calling in service on their pagers and they can turn around and go back to bed!

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I have a couple of questions regarding the Trunked System that I have heard this week.

Today I have heard Sleepy Hollow FD responding to calls using Fire 12 on the System with communications to 60 Control. Is this use permanent or is their VHF system down temporarily? And will they be using 60 Control for dispatch?

Second, Wednesday evening I heard Montrose FD tone out to all members that they would not be using the Trunked System and would revert back to 46.26MHz for all responses. Anyone have any info on why this change?

TR, I've heard them since at least 8/1 periodically. Above post from Trunking System Question

If anyone has info on SHFD starting use of, or MFD stopping use of, the New System let us know why.

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Port Chester now being dispatched on 46.26 and responding on 46.06.

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I can't speak for SHFD, but SHAC recently started getting dispatched by 60 on our regular frequency in addition to SHPD. I believe the idea was to eliminate the time it takes for 60 to call SHPD and relay the information...Whoever recieves the call directly pages us out, seems to make sense to me. Once we are dispatched we communicate primarily with SHPD on our usual frequency, unless mutual aid is involved.

I believe SHAC being dispatched directly by both 60 and SHPD is still in a trial period.

Edited by Eagle24

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There have been problems which I am not allowed yo discuss. Chiefmcfuzzy might be able to answer them for you. Or some of the other offices/commish's might be able yo help you with.

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