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New NRFD Rescue 4 Bid

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Bids now being accepted for double axle heavy rescue for Rescue 4 through 9/10. Here are the specs:

1) Although it is totally who is awarded "the bid" and it is up in the air on who will actually get it, it will be interesting to see if New Rochelle FD will look strongly on how well and succesful Yonkers FD has made out so far with their New ALF Tandem Heavy Duty Walk Around Rescue Truck, when they look at awarding the bid (although the financial condition of ALF may play into the bid award) or does NRFD look at either Pierce (similiar to what they currently have) OR maybe they look at possibly a E-One/Saulsbury? Would be interested in knowing what others might think?

Interesting to note that within the bid spec for this New NRFD Rescue 4, it appears that under the section "PAINTING FINISHING AND STRIPING PAINT XVII PAINTING - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS" that NRFD might have made a mistake within the bid spec by simply "cut and pasting" the bid spec section that NRFD used for their bid request for a new Engine 25, as part of the bid spec for Rescue 4, rather than calling out the lettering for RESCUE 4 (see below)

12” SCOTCHLITE LETTERING - Scotchlite lettering shall be furnished. “E25” Shall be applied to the front, left, rear, right and cab top. In addition “NEW ROCHELLE “ shall be applied to the left and right side above the compartment roll up doors. Up to fourty (40) 12" letters shall be applied as directed by the Fire Department. The color and location shall be determined at the pre-construction conference.

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1) Although it is totally who is awarded "the bid" and it is up in the air on who will actually get it, it will be interesting to see if New Rochelle FD will look strongly on how well and succesful Yonkers FD has made out so far with their New ALF Tandem Heavy Duty Walk Around Rescue Truck, when they look at awarding the bid (although the financial condition of ALF may play into the bid award)

Since ALF is not accepting new orders it is unlikely that they would bid on it.

or does NRFD look at either Pierce (similiar to what they currently have) OR maybe they look at possibly a E-One/Saulsbury? Would be interested in knowing what others might think?

Before we "look" we need to see who puts in a proposal. E-One has never put in one with NR, and with there financial situation I dont think they will start now. THere are many fine manufacturers out there, but if they do not bid, then its academic. We will get the bids back and determine who can build what we are looking for at the best price (the priority being who can build what we want).

Interesting to note that within the bid spec for this New NRFD Rescue 4, it appears that under the section "PAINTING FINISHING AND STRIPING PAINT XVII PAINTING - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS" that NRFD might have made a mistake within the bid spec by simply "cut and pasting" the bid spec section that NRFD used for their bid request for a new Engine 25, as part of the bid spec for Rescue 4, rather than calling out the lettering for RESCUE 4 (see below)

You went thru 144 page document, with a lot of technical issues and thats the only error...thanks. Yep its cut and past, but in an RFP its about the cost not this detail. The manufactures need to be able to figure out what it will cost them to produce this rig and the difference here is one less letter (so it will be 8% cheaper) The details of what will be written on the rig needs to get signed off during the preconstruction conference.

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Any outside help onthis bid or was it all handled in house?

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Any outside help onthis bid or was it all handled in house?

We develop our spec's in-house. We solicite help form ALL venders (i.e. show us what you recommend for us to consider). We also request spec's from other depts and from manufacturers of components (i.e. from the generator manufacturers).

We try very hard to write a generic spec, that 1) everyone can potentially build, 2) requires that everyone will probably have some exceptions and 3) that gets us the unit we need.

We try hard to not stear it towards one manufacturer. We have seen others illegally "rig" their bids with lines like "the unit will be built within 1 mile of the city of Ocala" or it must say Seagrave or Pierce on the mudflaps, or any other attempt to exclude potential venders.

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Are you going to be "giving" the old one away? lol

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Are you going to be "giving" the old one away? lol

It still runs nice...........How many T-shirts do you think it is worth?

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I know there had been talk about staffing Rescue 4 full time being batted around for years there any more chance of that becoming a reality, especially with a new apparatus being delivered?

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I found this line very interesting in the User's List:

"Of particular interest are Rescues with roof mounted cranes"



12.13.1 A telescoping crane is required to deploy and recover the boat. We would also like to be able to use the crane as a gin pole. The crane shall be located on the left side of the roof (unless its stored position is below the vehicle

roofline). The following capabilities are required:

•A working tip load of at least six hundred (600) pounds, to meet the intent of NFPA 1983’s 600 pounds two (2) person working load. This rating is needed at least ten (10) feet outboard from the crane side of the apparatus and four (4) feet from the opposite side of the apparatus. Proper angles for this operation must be clearly documented with a visible indicator or safety system in place. Minimum of thirty (30) feet of lowering / raising capability PLUS, the height of the crane above ground.

•If at all possible (and does not compromise safety), we would like to avoid the need for jacks or other stabilizing system.

•Power for the crane can be provided by the Hippo unit.

•Controls shall be on a twenty five (25) foot long pendant that is connected in either compartment L-1 or on top of the apparatus.


The NRFD does not have the engineering experience or capability to determine an appropriate crane module for this application. Unit capabilities, boom length, crane angle and height of the unit are all critical considerations.


Based on the maximum road height of one hundred thirty six (136) inches only allows for approximately one (1) foot of clearance above the roof. It appears to us that the crane may require between one (1) and two (2) feet for clearance. Drop down side panels or some other system, or a taller boom “up” position to allow for clearance may need to be employed. While we will entertain any potential mounting location, we believe that the left side of the vehicle will be safer due to arched bridges and other road clearance issues.


While NRFD is in no position to recommend a make and / or model at this time, we consider the Auto Crane model 5005H to be a good starting point for planning.


Two (2) Havis-Shield FX-9 Spot/Flood Light Heads shall be affixed to the end of the crane boom, facing the snatch block/hook. Switch shall be located on the remote or in compartment L-1 (near hippo unit controls for power to crane.

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If NRFD got a Rescue with a boom crane it would definitely make their Rescue unique and add to the Task Force they have in Southern Westchester as another special piece that can be called out for that once in a while job where it would make sense! It would be great to see something that not everybody has but might need one day. Almost like a cascade or Tower Ladder used to

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