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YPD Cost cutting Poll/Article

YPD Overtime Cuts   31 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you believe that cutting High Visibility Patrols is good?

    • Yes
    • No
  2. 2. What affect do you think this will have on the crime rate?

    • Positive
    • Negative
    • Indifferent
  3. 3. Does this jeopardize public safety or officer safety?

    • Public
    • Officer
    • Both
    • Neither

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6 posts in this topic

Yonkers police reduce foot, bike patrols in cost-cutting move
LoHud article!

YPD reducing High visibility patrols to cut overtime costs!

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If its such a high priority post, why is it only financed by overtime and not part of the regular post?

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If its such a high priority post, why is it only financed by overtime and not part of the regular post?

It's the same shell game that the County plays. To illustrate, there are 20 posts but only 15 cops so 5 posts get filled by OT. This is because the elected officials (the same one's who complain about the OT) won't fund the additional positions required to staff all 20 posts on straight time.

They say benefits and salaries are too expensive so they won't hire more full-time people while they keep writing the OT checks for people to pull double duty!

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From the article:

Hartnett removed the patrols from some of the highest-crime areas

once even simple logic is lost, there is nothing you can do but fail.

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This reminds me of a situation in Downtown Stamford. We have a park that periodically becomes a big hangout for kids and then bad kids and then a criminal element. One can almost predict the cycles. So they assigned our one remaining full time Parks Police officer to this park. When she left the city decided not to fill the position (as they did with the other full time Parks Police slot years earlier). Then the city beefed up our downtown foot patrol to 6 officers (three working at a time) and two Sergeants (1 working at a time). Then they gave the foot patrol's bikes but still called them foot patrols. Then in another cost cutting measure the city eliminated the foot posts. The park became a nightmare again. The Downtown Bussiness Association then petitioned to make the park curfew 6:00 pm, so that once the business people were done using it the kids would be tresspassers. This despite the fact that there would be little police manpower to enforce the new curfew. Thankfully the Parks Commission did not entertain this debate for very long, although there was support from some of the Police Command Staff.

It seems to me that there should be no surprise that crime goes up when police patrols go down.

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Send the poll results to the Journal news, they need to fill there shredder with supportive YPD articles.

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