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FDMV Receives Three Thermal Imaging Cameras

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FDMV Receives Three Thermal Imaging Cameras From the Terry Farrell (R4)Firefighter Fund

Mount Vernon city officials Tuesday had expected to receive two $11,000 a piece thermal imaging cameras from the Terry Farrell Firefighters Fund, but were surprised when they were given three units. The Terry Farrell Firefighters Fund was established in memory of Terry Farrell, a decorated member of Rescue 4/FDNY and chief of the Dix Hills Volunteer Fire Department. Terry, along with 342 of his brothers, perished on September 11, 2001 in the World Trade Center attack. The Fund is set up to assist firefighters and their families with educational, medical and equipment needs. We support the firefighters who serve our communities. “Today isn’t just about receiving equipment,” Mayor Clinton Young told the 30 firefighters present during a presentation ceremony. “We celebrate the heroism, patriotism, and courage of Terry Farrell and the great work that continues to be done in his honor through the Terry Farrell Firefighters Fund. These cameras will make your work environment much safer, and possibly one day, save one of your lives.” “The Fund exists for you guys, the firefighters…that is why we’re here,” said Brian Farrell, Terry’s brother. “Whatever firefighters need, we are going to try to help, and Mount Vernon is no exception.” Fire Chief Al Everett said that the cameras “would be put to work immediately,” and that personnel had already been trained in their use.

Good Luck with the equipment guy's Stay safe.

Edited by CPAGE

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This may be a stupid question but does this mean that they haven't had these cameras until now?

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A great asset to the FDMV inventory. Yes we have had 3 TICS in service in the past but having more now can help to make sure the 1st line in will have a TIC to scan overhead,IFO,and below to locate the fire. Last year in 3 months 4 LODD's might have been prevented if a TIC was present. Jan-Mar firefighters were killed because of them falling through the floor into basement fires. A special thanks to the Farrell family to help out the FDMV.

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A great asset to the FDMV inventory. Yes we have had 3 TICS in service in the past but having more now can help to make sure the 1st line in will have a TIC to scan overhead,IFO,and below to locate the fire. Last year in 3 months 4 LODD's might have been prevented if a TIC was present. Jan-Mar firefighters were killed because of them falling through the floor into basement fires. A special thanks to the Farrell family to help out the FDMV.

Hudson, does that mean each guy working the shift gets one? Don't get me wrong, I think it's great that you got them but wouldn't it be even better to add more FF? Of course that won't be funded by a foundation it has to come from the city. Never mind, I answered my own question! :P

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LOl chris, if its donated and can be used to help with ff safety its an improvement.Manpower? well thats another story. I know what you mean about $ used for manpower but I am not sure if this is the type of benefit that can be used for manpower.There are ways to get manpower and I am not sure what has been done and if anything has been done to seek out funds to increase manning. Everything appears to be at a standstill,no commish? etc. The priority with any handline going in is to have a TIC because of the above mentioned reasons. The guys bust butt and if there is anything to improve the fireground conditions I am all for it. Manpower doesn't appear to be a fight anymore. In fact I don't what the union has going on at this point. We will see what goes on in the"near" future with this dept. Might be some interesting changes down the road.

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Thats great good luck to you guys!

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Would love to see changes happen. Hopefully last time I saw you you're wrong.

It'll be great, each on duty FF will have thier own personal TIC when working. LOL

LOl chris, if its donated and can be used to help with ff safety its an improvement.Manpower? well thats another story. I know what you mean about $ used for manpower but I am not sure if this is the type of benefit that can be used for manpower.There are ways to get manpower and I am not sure what has been done and if anything has been done to seek out funds to increase manning. Everything appears to be at a standstill,no commish? etc. The priority with any handline going in is to have a TIC because of the above mentioned reasons. The guys bust butt and if there is anything to improve the fireground conditions I am all for it. Manpower doesn't appear to be a fight anymore. In fact I don't what the union has going on at this point. We will see what goes on in the"near" future with this dept. Might be some interesting changes down the road.

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What make/model TIC did Mt. Vernon receive? Where will the TIC's be assigned? What rigs had TIC's on them prior to this donation?

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