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NYS Fiscal woes

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Gov Patterson portrayed a doomsday scenario in his publoc address. With a multi-billion dollar deficit and his proposed cuts to state agencies has anyone heard how this will affect OFPC and training for the fire service? EMS as well?

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Gov Patterson portrayed a doomsday scenario in his publoc address. With a multi-billion dollar deficit and his proposed cuts to state agencies has anyone heard how this will affect OFPC and training for the fire service? EMS as well?

I was with a new OFPC employee yesterday who is in fear of losing his job so I think the outlook is rather bleak.

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It appears that this is going to be a serious shortfall in monies and its expected that no one area is going to escape unscathed. I'm sure the budget mavens are sharpening the knives and the fire service will most likely be one of those areas impacted.

I wonder how New York city is going to deal with the budget crisis as well; some of you who are old enough might remember the mid-1970's fiscal crisis where it came to the point of the city cutting jobs in both the police and fire service. I guess nothing is sacred when it comes to cost cutting these days.

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I wonder how New York city is going to deal with the budget crisis as well; some of you who are old enough might remember the mid-1970's fiscal crisis where it came to the point of the city cutting jobs in both the police and fire service. I guess nothing is sacred when it comes to cost cutting these days.

It does suck, But it's sad it took this long to figure out that theirs a problem.

unfortunately it's cut jobs or raise the taxes sky high.

I think the first step the government should take is cut the salaries of any employee making over, lets say $200k

And their is no reason why when a school district gets rid of the super and hire another they raise the persons already ridicules salary

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It does suck, But it's sad it took this long to figure out that theirs a problem.

unfortunately it's cut jobs or raise the taxes sky high.

I think the first step the government should take is cut the salaries of any employee making over, lets say $200k

And their is no reason why when a school district gets rid of the super and hire another they raise the persons already ridicules salary

I think the rational for compensation for school superintendents salary is due to their level of education; most if not all school district superintendents have PHD's and as such command the salaries that they do. Its all part of the free enterprise system this country operates under. You get paid what you can due to market conditions. Cutting salaries of other highly paid employees of the state might violate personal service agreements (PSC) that might be in existance; tho' if there are those with no PSC's they could probably legally do it, but you risk the quality of workers you employ being reduced.

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