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Guest TOYBUFF911

Yonkers - Double Stabbing - 07-29-08

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Location: Radford Street & South Broadway

Frequency: YPD / Empress

Units Operating: YPD 3rd pct units, ESU-3, 852 (ESU Sgt.), 900, 300, 310-12, Detective Division, CIU, Empress paramedic unit 34 and medic supervisor

Description Of Incident: Large fight ending with two victims with very serious stab/ slash wounds. One victim slashed from middle of his back/shoulder area past his elbow in one continuous cut. Other with multiple 12" and deep slashes. Both victims treated by ESU and Empress on scene and transported to Jacobi Medical Center via Empress and ESU. Both later listed in stable condition. Large crime scene established and being processed by CIU. 3rd Pct units and detectives investigating.

Writer: Toybuff911

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