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British FF Helped Save Tourists from Tsunami

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FF Roy Phillips from Birmingham, UK, repeatedly risked his life to save fellow tourists from being sucked out by the tides.

Roy, you make us all proud to wear the uniform.

Tue 28 Dec 2004 


1:40pm (UK)

British Firefighter Helped Save Tourists from Tsunami

By Andrew Barrow, PA

A hero firefighter fought to save other tourists as they struggled in Thailand’s raging seas – but made sure his first phone call home was to cancel his lost credit cards, his father said today.

Birmingham fireman Roy Phillips – who was himself battered and bruised by the Asian tsunami – repeatedly returned to the foaming waters off the coast of Phuket to save fellow tourists who were being sucked out by the tides.

Roy’s father, David Phillips, told PA that his son had been out of touch for four days on a diving holiday and had only phoned his family on Boxing Day morning.

They were still unaware of the tragedy unfolding in south-east Asia.

Mr Phillips said: “Roy said he wanted to cancel some credit cards. He had lost virtually everything but he was quite calm about it. He phoned again a bit later and we learned a bit more.â€

Roy, 33, from Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, was a lifeguard before joining the fire service eight years ago. He was described by his father as a strong swimmer and a qualified master diver who had gone to Thailand with friends earlier this month.

Mr Phillips, 63, said his son had been sunbathing when the giant wave hit the resort. He was on the trip with fiancee Debbie Watkins and, after making sure she was safe, he returned to the waters to rescue other struggling tourists, despite being badly cut and bruised himself.

“We are very proud,†said Mr Phillips. “We are thrilled to bits and we are just waiting for him to come back.â€

Mr Phillips said the authorities were not letting people return to their apartments and Roy had not been able to gather his belongings and plan his journey home. He was due to fly back into Birmingham this Thursday but was having difficulty confirming flights.

“All he was left with was a pair of shorts and some flip-flops,†he said. “Now he is staying on higher ground.

“He keeps the sim card from his mobile phone in his pocket so he was able to use that to phone us when he borrowed a mobile from somewhere, none of the landlines seem to work. We can’t get hold of him but our daughter has spoken to him since.â€

Mark Taylor, spokesman for the West Midlands Fire Service, praised Roy’s bravery but said it was typical of what all emergency workers would do in such a situation.

Mr Taylor told PA: “This is typical of all firefighters.

“This is what we would expect from any of our firefighters or any firefighters from this country who find themselves in this sort of situation where they can help any community wherever they are in the world.â€

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